The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Hello Mayor,
I have been living in a Lakewood for many years and have seen in the news the many different Boards and Committees, etc. that work and legislate on our behalf. I have never gotten clear exactly what each board does, who oversees them, how they are appointed/voted in, etc. I would appreciate and I think it would be a big benefit if you can summarize the hierarchy of all the various committees. Maybe you even have a “tree” that you can share with us.
(Different examples I can think of off hand – Township Committee, planning board, master plan committee, MUA, Board of Education, State Supervisors, School Superintendent, Ocean County Freeholders, Zoning Board, Fire Commissioners, among other.)
Thank you!
Response from Mayor Coles:
Hi David,
We do not have a “Tree” of departments, but I think that is a great idea & am asking our manager to have one drawn up. Once it is done, I will post it on our website supply copies to the Scoop & other media outlets
In the meantime, to address your other questions:
The Lakewood Township Committee consists of 5 members who are elected by the voters in town. 2 members are elected the first year, 2 members the next year & 1 member in the 3rd year.
Each year at the reorganization meeting, the 5 members of the committee select who will serve as Mayor & Deputy Mayor each year.
The Township Committee appoints the various boards in town. The ones which get the most attention are the Planning & Zoning Boards, but there are quite a few more boards which serve the town.
The Master Plan committee is not a standing board, but is appointed every 6-10 years when the Townships Master Plan is up for update.
The MUA is a Utility Authority responsible for the water & sewer service in the Eastern Part of Lakewood. It does not serve the entire Township. NJ American Water serves most of the town. The Township Committee appoints the members of the MUA.
The Board of Education is a totally separate entity whose members are elected by the Township Voters. I assume the State Supervisors you mentioned are the State Monitors, appointed by the state to oversee the Board of Education through it’s financial difficulties. The Superintendent is hired by the BOE to run the district
Ocean County Freeholders are the County Government. The Fire Commissioners are also an independent body whose members are elected by the voters in town.
I hope this brief description hasn’t clouded the issue even more. I do like your idea about the “Family Tree” and will see about getting one put together soon.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
I think the person that asked should’ve just googled it and been a bit more respectful.