Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles Responds to Your ‘Ask The Mayor’ Questions: Stop Signs, Pedestrian Lights, Cross Walks

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Dear mayor,

Hi, firstly i want to thank you for the new rubber floor in sunset park. as residents of this neighborhood we really appreciate it. I have a request to make. There are stop signs at two intersections on liberty drive that are faded and the lines on the road are basically extinct. liberty/freedom and liberty/commonwealth. i drive this road everyday and every time i must use extreme caution especially by freedom because no one heeds the stop signs. this is extremely dangerous as people coming speeding off of James towards liberty to avoid traffic on James and they don’t stop at the stop sign by liberty.

Please send someone out to check on this asap.

thank you!

Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning

I’m glad the new base is working out so well.

I have asked public works to check on the signs & striping.

Thanks for letting me know about it.



Dear Mayor,

I see the pedestrian lights on Prospect in front of the hospital and on 6th and Clifton.

I am wondering if the town can but a light like that on Hillside Bvld. in front of the shopping center? And on Oak street in front of Bnos Devorah and Bnos Tova?

Bruria Resnick

Response from Mayor Coles:

I have asked traffic and safety to look into this request and report back.

Thanks for taking the time to reach out.



My coworker was discussing a dangerous situation at the corner of Nolan Place and Ridge Avenue. She was making a left turn from Nolan onto Ridge. This is an intersection with 3-Way Stop signs. There was a car stopped on Ridge, and she made her left turn appropriately. However behind the car on Ridge, there is a cross walk, behind the stop sign, where a man pushing a carriage was crossing. Since he was behind the car waiting at the stop sign, she didn’t see him, but he suddenly appeared as she turned into the intersection in the portion of the crosswalk that she was already turning into.

Because the cross walk is behind the stop sign, she had no advance notice when turning that someone was already halfway in the crosswalk.

Thank you.

Response from Mayor Coles:

Thank you for letting me know about this.

I asked traffic and safety to look into it and make sure the signage is properly placed to make sure folks remain safe.

Take care



Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]

Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]

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  1. The ridge and Nolan one is a big deal.
    It’s hard to visualize if you aren’t familiar with the intersection, but you are turning blindly in to a hidden crosswalk.
    Both the drivers and the pedestrians have a false sense of security due to the so signs and crosswalk respectively.

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