The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Please enforce riding electric scooters on sidewalks. They should be restricted to streets only. There have been too many serious accidents with electric scooter hitting and seriously injuring walkers on the sidewalk.
Thank you
Response from Mayor Coles:
Thanks. I spoke with the chief, who agrees that riding on the sidewalks is not allowed. He is going to work with traffic & safety to educate both riders and their parents, about the correct way to use these scooters and other electric vehicles and just what the dangers involved in operating them can be.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
Please also advise that when riding in the streets they should be obeying traffic laws and wearing a helmet. If at night they should have a reflector as well. When driving at night I see way to many riders that seem to confident on the road without proper gear and I shudder to think what would happen if a car doesn’t notice them.
Except riding in the streets is not any safer. Many of the electric scooter riders are very young kids (age 14 and under). These riders are getting hit in the street because there is a lack of care for ones surroundings when riding the scooters. All they care about is riding the cool electric scooter, safety and surroundings basically goes out the window. They assume the vehicles will yield to them and they don’t need to slow down or move over. I hate electric scooters, they should be banned or limited to adult usage only. The amount of ppl getting hurt while using them is an awful amount and they’re all kids.
will be worse with cars no??
I second that my young daughter was hit by a 10 year old speeding on sidewalk and he sped off beside for the danger I say the chinuch in town is in serious decline!!!!!
This is a major issue. Clueless kids sharing the road with cars. Tragedy waiting to happen CHV.