Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Prospect and Massachusetts

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Thank you so much for all your efforts in improving traffic around the city.

I live close to the intersection of Prospect and Massachusetts. Accidents occur there almost weekly. I do whatever it takes to avoid the intersection during peak traffic hours, as going straight or making a left by the red blinking light is plain dangerous.

What is the current status of the plans? Is there any way to expedite the plans for a traffic light there?

Keep up the good work! Thank you!


Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning,

The county tells me their contractor should be working there soon. As soon as I can get a definite date I will make it available.



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  1. This has been going on since 2017.They haven’t been working on the intersection for months. The County doesn’t care. The City just adds more units all over the area. Then blames the County.

  2. Since the re-striping on Prospect street last summer it’s even more impossible to turn left from Massachusetts onto Prospect. At peak hours when Massachusetts gets backed up it can take 10 minutes for a 1 minute drive. The work was started, road broken up and patched so no one can turn right either. Why did they drop the project mid-way??

    • In my opinion, the restriping of Prospect was the best thing that ever happened in the area. It now takes much faster to travel on Prospect during rush hour. Yes, we need a light ASAP, but IMO the restriping was a great thing to do also.

  3. I had an MVA at that intersection almost 7 years ago. At the time, I was told it made it on to the Worst intersection list. 7 years later, we’re still fixing it…?
    (As an out of towner, I was coming down Mass, crossing into the Industrial lot. I fully stopped at the red blinking lights, but I thought it was a 4-way and didn’t wait for the other traffic. A simple sign like many other such intersections have would be a cheap and easy way to help!)

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