The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Thanks for all that you do on behalf of the community.
Can you please look into the terrible state of disrepair of the street Biltmore which is off Cross.
The pot-holes especially on the corner right near Cross are terrible. Is this a township road?
Would be great if that road can get re-paved or at least fixed up.
A driver with 3 flats.
Response from Mayor Coles:
I spoke to Public Works this morning & they will schedule some repair work as soon as weather permits.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
Park Ave S
Woehr St
Pearl St
Congress St
All side streets off Ridge
There are so many terrible potholes all over this town. I just has multiple flats with rim damage, etc. Please do something, even if temporary.