Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles Responds to Your ‘Ask The Mayor’ Questions: Pine Park & Dash Cameras

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Dear Mr. Mayor,

As a resident of the Pawnee neighborhood we have been enjoying the revamped playgrounds in Pine Park. However, the second playground which is the easiest one for us to access does not have a set of baby swings. I have left numerous messages over the years at the parks dept but never heard back from anyone. Is there anyway that a set of baby swings can be installed there? Thank you!


Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning,

I will ask our public works director to see if we can get some installed.




Hello Mayor,

I am not really sure who to address this to but I hope you can help. How can we make people aware to stop for buses when they see the red lights are on? I have noticed that the stop sign is only on the bus driver’s side and is often not in the car driver’s vision.

Thank you for the important role you play in our town!


Response from Mayor Coles:

Behavior like this really upsets me as well.

I know the PD feels the same way and has zero tolerance when they witness it.

Witnessing it is part of the problem. They cannot be everywhere, This is where we may be able to help. I have seen several videos of cars blowing by stopped buses posted to the Scoop. I would encourage everyone who has a dash camera, ring camera or whose passenger happens to have their phone out to save these videos and forward them to the PD. If the car can be identified, the PD will follow up



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  1. Why are bus letting kids off in places that cars can hit the kids C’V????


    The buses should block the entire street if the children need to cross, and if they drop them off on the same side, go as close as possible to the sidewalk.

    If buses were more careful we wouldn’t be having this conversation

    Yes!! People must stop for the busses!!!!

    But not always do the see the flashing lights until it’s too late! Are we to risk the life of even ONE CHILD?

    Buses can put a stop to this, the above suggestions should be mandatory

  2. Most of the videos of drivers passing school buses, they are clearly in the wrong.
    However, sometimes in a multi-lane road, a driver to the right of the bus will not realize that the bus is stopping.

    I have seen busses that have another stop sign that extends on the right side of the bus. Maybe our school buses should get that. I’m not sure how feasible that is.

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