Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Pine and Rt. 9

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Why can’t a turn signal be put at this corner? It is very hard to make a left turn from Pine Street unto Route 9 going south. Sometimes the intersection is blocked, and you can’t turn at all or go straight on Pine Street.

Please look over this intersection and tell me why there is no traffic control signal at this crossing.
Response from Mayor Coles:

This is one of the intersections that the state will be upgrading when they begin their scheduled repair project for Rt 9 later this year.


Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]

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  1. With all due respect-no complaints against you Mayor-youre a great guy and are doing a great job! but for every question thats asked, and the questions and suggestions posted are always on target/good questions-the answer is exactly the same- “its being looked into and when the next project starts, this will be taken care of”!! whens that?? no one knows! but its on the table and being looked into!!

  2. @Mayor – The state should have given someone a timeline as it was bid out by now. This should show what’s being done and when . Why can’t this be shared with the taxpayers ? Additionally its high time to open up arlington onto Pine . If couple rich guys on that block don’t like it they can move . We have a town to run that has traffic backed up for miles and we need every artery we can get . thank you

  3. There’s no reason to post questions to the esteemed Mayor about County Roads, the answer is always the same. One day in the future you will know if & when something was meant to be done. Massachusetts & Prospect was supposed to have a light a year ago, we are still patiently for it to happen.

  4. Forgive my sarcasm but I as well can be mayor if all it takes to assuage our concerns is to respond: “Yes. That’s one of the projects being looked at for this or that expansion and the like…”

    Over four years ago, 2 government officials told me that a traffic light would be installed at Williams and James.

    What have we heard about it since then?


    The sound of silence.

    Or another automobile crash; especially with the construction going on at that corner and the geniuses whose vehicles consistently block the view of west-bound traffic.

    So. Just pay your taxes, be a good little tattele, don’t keep your hopes up too high and watch your threes and nines as you navigate the traffic jungle.

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