Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Paddle Ball Courts

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Hi Mayor Coles,

Hope all is well.

Wanted to know if we could have some paddle ball walls/courts added to some parks in the area especially Ocean County Park and Shenandoah Park

It’s a tall wall made of cement and double sided so people can play on both sides of the wall.
And the wall is enclosed in a tennis court type fence.

And also, any way for tennis courts to be added to Shenandoah Park also?

I see they ripped out the old children’s playground in Shenandoah Park. Excited to see it when it’s done. Thanks for the upgrade!

And sorry. Also, any way for some fitness equipment to be added to the parks in the area? People are for sure more concerned about their health and this is a great way to get out and exercise while enjoying the beauty of nature 🙂

This is one company for example..

Thanks so much!
Have a great day.

Response from Mayor Coles:

Hi Obi

Thanks for writing. Ocean County Park and Shenandoah Park are both county facilities.

I forwarded your email to the county administrator with a request to look into your concerns.

Thanks. Ray


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  1. not sure why over a million bucks was put into docks and more docks in the lake, lets first deal with getting more turning arrows and widening the corner of rt 88 and clover its impossible for me to turn that corner with my buss, with out going totally onto the side walk, what were they thinking, when they just re did that corner 2 years ago


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