Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Noise

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Hi, Mr. Mayor

Thanks for taking the time to address issues raised via this forum.

We put out items for bulk trash that was to be picked up today, Friday May 20.

We were quite irritated to hear the trucks pull up at 1:15 AM and go from house to house gathering the items put out. The trucks are very noisy, and we were even able to hear conversations between the employees gathering the stuff.

There were a lot of items to collect on our block, so it was making a racket for an extended period of time.

I understand that not everything can be done between 9-5, but this hour seemed a bit much.

Why was it scheduled that way, and what can be done about this going forward? (Maybe they thought that Thurs night no one sleeps anyway because of the train, so it doesn’t matter:( )
Thanks in advance for your assistance.



Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning.

We try to have the trucks we have out at night avoid residential areas if possible. Sometimes when bulk backs up, we have to choose between making sure the streets are clear and possibly disturbing folks. I have asked Phil Roux are public works director to make sure any crew which has to be in a residential area at night be as quiet as possible, avoid having loud conversations and get in and out as quickly and quietly as possible




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  1. Bulk pick up during the day, people complain about traffic. Pick up at night, too noisy. Maybe bulk pick up should be canceled and everyone is responsible for taking bulk trash down to public works. Then they will complain that there’s a traffic back up there and it’s too noisy.

  2. The bulk items are often picked up at night by private persons who are scavenging around for metals or other items of value.

  3. @Zman,in this town it seems that nobody’s happy with the services they get and they love to complain about everything. There’s other towns that bulk pick up is once or twice a year, Lakewood should start looking at that and let ppl bring it into public works.

  4. Let’s be real about this. How are you going to pick up bulk quietly and quickly how. There’s items that are put out that’s to heavy to be moved quietly. Like someone said before you can always do it yourself.

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