Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: New Light

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Good morning,

I wanted to start by thanking you for taking the time in responding to all questions submitted to your forum. It is so much appreciated.

My question is in regards to the new light put up on the corner of James and Williams with the second side of the light past railroad Street, behind the tracks.

As someone who needs to turn right off the block every morning to get to work, I appreciate the crossing guard who helps move the traffic flow to the best of his ability.

However, I don’t understand why the crossing guard who is supposed to be standing at the corner of railroad and James to stop people from turning left off the block which creates a ton of traffic besides for being illegal (we’ll save this topic for another time), would allow cars to go through the red light on the other side of the tracks and clog James Street thereby making it nearly impossible to turn off the block.
I completely understand that it makes it almost impossible to turn left off the block when there are cars waiting for a red light, but with the entire intersection blocked, those who need to get into James with a quick legal right turn, is nearly impossible.

Please advise if we can have the cars stop at the red where the light was installed (assumingly for a purpose) and not stop the traffic flow that’s very quickly building up in Railroad Street.

Thank you,

Trying to get to work


Response from Mayor Coles:

I am not sure of the instructions given to the crossing guard there. I will forward your email to traffic and safety and ask them to look into your suggestion.

I really enjoy hearing from folks in town. It’s one of the nicest things about my position!

Thanks for writing.



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  1. Mr Mayor,
    One morning around 8:45 pease drive down sunset and make a left on james. You will be shocked how backed up this entire area became since this light was installed. Its primarily due to the 2nd light that is stopping cars from reaching the williams st intersection.

    To the cars turning from railroad,
    Unfortunately that is an illegal turn and you are causing the right turn drivers to be backed up. I dont care if it takes 20 minutes longer to drive legally- that was never a legal left turn. Im sorry that is where you chose to live.

  2. The purpose of the 2nd light was not for Railroad traffic to make a right – it is for cars not to get stuck on the track when a train comes… Totally unnecessary especially during daytime hours when it never comes..
    Mr. Mayor how about getting that traffic light removed? The train goes 5 miles an hour and comes once a week.. Vs the traffic it is causing or just plain wasting all those trying to make a right onto Williams St. time. There is no light by any of the other crossings in town and we managed just fine!

    • Totally agree! I live in that neighborhood. We learned how to make the left from Williams to James. No need for a light. Complete waste of time. All it does is wreck the intersections. We need humas crossing guards there who can adapt to the situation and keep traffic flowing.

  3. The letter writer is looking to make a legal right onto James.

    The 2nd light was put up because of the once a week when the trian comes
    It has caused tremendous backups on James.

    Thankfully now a crossing guard was appointed to stand there telling people to disregard the 2nd light so that James moves better.

    Mr. Letter writer: Welcome to the joys of living in a development that dumps out onto a busy road. You need to wait your turn and eventually you’ll get there. The solution is not to back up the entire James so that you can turn easier.

  4. The crossing guard is absolutely vital for the very purpose of telling people to disregard that light.
    That light causes a major backup in the entire area and it really must come down ASAP.

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