The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Hi good evening. My street light is out for 5 months I called jcpl then and every other month and each time they said they will get to it in 3 to 5 days but they never got to it. I am wondering if there is anything you can do speed up the process. Since it sounds like jcpl is running this town with street lights and not doing anything on cross street.
Response from Mayor Coles:
Good morning Chaim
If it possible for you to email me the pole number with the bad light. JCPL has certainly been the main cause of stress for myself and other committee members. We are constantly in touch with them to get lights fixed and homes hooked up.
Fortunately the poles that were holding up work on Cross have arrived so work there should start up again very soon if it hasn’t already.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Mr Mayor, hope you are well!
Thank you for all you do for our town!
Over the years the township has done a wonderful job maintaining the unpaved extension of Frances Street connecting to Massachusetts, however there are again a number of large potholes, (actually just did some damage to the underside of my car…) I was hoping a crew could come out and smooth the road once again.
Thank you so much!
Response from Mayor Coles:
Good afternoon
I spoke with our engineer today. The contract to pave Frances has been given to Earle. They probably will not be able to get to it until later this month. In the meantime public works will send out a pothole crew to make interim repairs.
You’re honorable Mayor Coles,
Would it be possible to get a crossing guard at the corner of 7th and Princeton for the hours of 9:15 maybe to 10:00. There are cars and pedestrians flying everywhere. Thank you so much
Response from Mayor Coles:
Good morning
I will ask Traffic & Safety to see if they can post a Crossing Guard. As I have said many times in the past, lack of enough Crossing Guards keeps us from filling many posts we would like to.
I am again asking folks to consider becoming a Crossing Guard. It is a very important job that fills a very important purpose in town. If you are interested, please contact the police department or reach out to my office, and we will put you in touch.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
What’s the pay for a crossing guard?
I was thinking exactly that.
Even if it’s not high, but the city would throw in benefits and a pention, I think I’d consider it.
Pay is 20 an hour. If you go to township website then Human resources department you will find the job announcement.
Thank you mayor for having the potholes on Francis filled