Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: Light on Clifton Ave

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].



Thanks for taking time to answer our questions and concerns.

I was wondering, maybe you can advise on the blinking yellow intersection traffic light downtown at Clifton Avenue and 1st St. It was supposed to be fixed months ago.
Any idea what and when the Township is doing about it? It causes traffic and unsafe conditions for drivers attempting to cross over Clifton Avenue.

Awaiting Your response,


Response from Mayor Coles:

Good afternoon

We are waiting for the state to synchronize the light at 88 & Clifton with the one on 1st.




Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]

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  1. Do you have any idea how long that will take? I am going to write down the date of your response and I would like to see how long it takes for the State to respond. Unfortunately, whenever the state is the one that must finish something, it can take a very long time.

  2. I heard this answer 8 months ago.
    The situation is DANGEROUS. Cars are blocking the intersection continuously and the police are not enforcing traffic rules.

    Please fix ASAP

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