The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Dear Mayor Coles:
I am writing to you as a dentist and a concerned citizen. I have spent the last 37 years practicing dentistry in Boston. Having recently moved here, I have seen firsthand the appalling state of children’s teeth. Cavities that are deep and widespread has become the norm for children as young as 3 years old.
Lakewood has one of the highest rates of tooth decay in the United States! The reason I am upset is because this can be prevented.
New Jersey is ranked 50th in the nation in water fluoridation levels. Only 15% of the state has fluoridated water. If the water was fluoridated then children would have approximately 50% less cavities and the cavities would be 50% smaller. Children would have less pain, less emergency appointments, less root canals and less crowns. Also, since less baby teeth would have to be removed there would also be less of a need for orthodontics when the children get older.
Why should apparent be told that they have to put their child to sleep under anasthesia? That is an additional medical risk that the child would be better without if it can be avoided. Parents would benefit as well. Clearly the agonizing situation of seeing your child in pain as well as the time off from their overburdened schedules to deal with it; and that is before the strained finances to cover the cost. Most parents either don’t have dental insurance or have inadequate insurance.
Fluoridation is very inexpensive and it is the single most significant preventive thing we can do to improve overall health as well as oral health. How can we as responsible parents , grandparents, community leaders and elected officials stand idly by as the entire area suffers. What can you do to finally get fluoride in the Lakewood water system? You would be benefiting tens of thousands with very little effort. The time is now!
Dr. Isaac Perle
Response from Mayor Coles:
Hello Dr. Perle
I was raised in NYC and we had fluoride in the water. I do not know why it has become such a controversial issue in many states. I will ask our MUA Executive Director about the pros & cons in our system.
My 3 children were raised in Lakewood and we gave them fluoride drops when they were small and I believe they also received fluoride treatments from the dentist. We also had a bonding procedure done which virtually eliminated their cavities.
While I agree fluoridation would reduce decay in children’s teeth, I am a little concerned that this could have the indirect effect of reducing regular visits to the dentist.
I never knew how important this could be, until 4 years ago when a regular cleaning saved my life. My hygienist discovered a spot which turned out to be an Oral Cavity Cancer. Thanks to her and the great doctors at Sloan Kettering I am cancer free and healthy today. I’ve also adopted the habit of asking everyone I know when their last check up was!
I think it would be a great benefit to the children, and adults, in town if we could start a Dental Health awareness campaign. Let me know your thoughts. I would be happy to work with you.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
We don’t have to be the best at everything ! ( My 2 cents )
Lakewood also has one of the fastest growing children’s population, and prob has from the most childrens siyumim, which are filled with candy.
Wow I never knew that the mayor (of township committe) are able to help our medical issues also.
Where do we go to register as patients? Do they accept all ins?
Out of Towner
I agree that we don’t have to be the best in everything, but when it comes to my children and my grandchildren’s health, I want to strive to be the best!
I agree with you that the excess of candy and nosh that is distributed to children in school, in shul, etc. in Lakewood is also an issue, and a lot of education is oral health is necessary. Nevertheless , even with all of the nosh, having fluoride in the water would minimize the problem.
I make my kids brush and floss their teeth every night besides shabbos. Apparently i am one of the few pple that do this. Almost everyone i speak to doesnt brush their kids teeth. Flossing is important to prevent cavities between the teeth. Not sure why pple wonder why their kids have cavities when they dont take care of their teeth. I also switched from a jerseycare dentist to a non jersey care dentist and what a difference.
I agree very strongly with the point about jerseycare vs. non-jerseycare dentists. I think they prefer to put kids out because of reimbursement rates for those treatments. Same goes for silver crowns
Maybe we should all serve our kids cake and cookies galore so they should visit their pediatrician more often to maybe perhaps hopefully not find some other sickness Chas Ve’shalom
The jersey care dentists for some reason fill the most cavities. What they do is they fill holes or make up a way to fill a spot that doesnt need to be filled. I lived in lakewood had jersey care. Everytime i went to the dentist i had cavities and was getting them filled… i went for a cleaning by a newer approved jersey care dentist a couple of years ago. I had a cleaning and was told i had four cavities. I then didnt take care and moved put of town. A few months later i scheduled a visit here to have them filled …, dentist said u dont have any cavities. I said i was told i have four. So he showed me four spots u can technically make up they are cavities and bill for them. I left basically crying. Thinking of all those lkwd kids i watched over the years nebach go through filling after filling everytime i was in a dentist. My husband had a similar experience. In lkwd, a dentist told him he had six cavities. And a totally dif dentist then the one i went to… he went for a second opnion somewhere 40 min from lakewood and paid out of pocket. He was told his teeth are perfect!!! So theres the reason lakewood had the most cavities. Or really are they cavities??! Or just money makers
Mr. Mayor sorry but I don’t hear your reasoning. While regular checkups are definitely important I don’t think the way to get them in the office is by giving them more cavities.
Dr Perle, thanks for bringing up this issue. I think the proper way to address this is by going to the state level, as they are the regulatory body that deals with this. This column definitely created awareness on the issue. As a veteran Shtadlan for the Agudah & practicing dentist, perhaps you are the right Shaliach. Although you probably have no time as is.
Thank you
Dr. Perle & others – If you think fluoride is safe – give it to your kids. Don’t force me to give it to mine.
Fluoride has been proven to cause cancer which is why its so controversial. So dont drink fluoride & then thank the dentist for finding your cancer…
do your research!
…and get your info from people who don’t make money off of your bad health (Ie: the pharmaceutical companies & their paid cohorts in the health department)
First of all, I have several children and many grandchildren in Lakewood. If I felt that there was any chance that Fluoride in the water could cause them any harm. In addition, as a dentist who profits from tooth decay, one would think that I would be against fluoride, like yourself. Truth be told , I am interested in the greatest benefit to the Lakewood population and my motives are driven by a sincere desire to eradicate tooth decay in the Lakewood community and beyond. In answer to your concerns about cancer, please read the following relevant scientific information:
America has been preventing tooth decay with fluoridated water for 70 years. Community water fluoridation is safe, effective and benefits everyone equitably. That’s the conclusion of every major health organization in the United States. About 75% of U.S. communities enjoy fluoridated water.
Health ProfessionalsA public health practice that touches the lives of so many people must be thoroughly tested for safety. Health effects of fluoride in drinking water have been studied for more than 70 years. A large body of evidence continues to prove that fluoridation poses no risk to health, despite claims to the contrary.
Here is a sample of the valid scientific evidence from around the world showing that fluoride does not cause cancer.
•A U.S. Public Health Service review of data and research concluded that “Expert panels which reviewed this international body of literature agree that there is no credible evidence of an association between either natural fluoride or adjusted fluoride in drinking water and human cancer.”
•A 2014 review of evidence by the Royal Society of New Zealand found that claims that fluoride contributes to the risks of cancer are not supported by the scientific evidence.
•In 2011, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment voted unanimously that an extensive review of scientific evidence did not support classifying fluoride as a cause of cancer.
•International studies reviewed by the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer “have shown no consistent tendency for people living in areas with high concentrations of fluoride in the water to have higher cancer rates than those living in areas with low concentrations or for cancer mortality.”
•A 2011 review by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) found no link between fluoride and cancer, and classifying fluoride as a cancer-causing agent.
•A 2011 study published by the International and American Associations for Dental Research – using extremely precise test methods – found no link between fluoride and bone cancer.
After decades of study, no link has been found between fluoride and cancer. The weight of international scientific evidence, and decades of experience in the United States and elsewhere, have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of community water fluoridation.
it causes autism
My father started his dental practice in Lakewood in 1972 on Main Street. I continue his tradition on Route 9 by Pine Street.
There is no scientific link between fluoride and autism, or vaccines and autism for that matter; this has been thoroughly researched and validated by countless studies. Ignorance and conspiracy theories cause great harm when published.
As to some of the other comments regarding trust, please remember a doctor patient relationship should be special. You should trust your doctor, and your doctor should be able to trust you. If that is lacking, please seek care elsewhere. With today’s modern technology, a dentist should easily be able to show you a cavity with an intra-oral camera or a digital xray on a large screen. If you aren’t convinced, a second opinion is always recommended.
I floss & brush my kids teeth (ages 3 & 6) each night & at their dental checkups, the dentist tells me their teeth are perfect! Apparently my dentist isn’t part of that scheme…
My father started his dental practice in Lakewood in 1972 on Main Street. I continue his tradition on Route 9 by Pine Street.
There is no scientific link between fluoride and autism, or vaccines and autism for that matter; this has been thoroughly researched and validated by countless studies. Ignorance and conspiracy theories cause great harm when published.
As to some of the other comments regarding trust, please remember a doctor patient relationship should be special. You should trust your doctor, and your doctor should be able to trust you. If that is lacking, please seek care elsewhere. With today’s modern technology, a dentist should easily be able to show you a cavity with an intra-oral camera or a digital xray on a large screen. If you aren’t convinced, a second opinion is always recommended.