Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: JCP&L lights

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Dear mayor,

I was walking the other night and someone drove into a pedestrian, the lights in the town are dimm and scarce, when I drive at night I can hardly see people walking is there anyway we can upgrade the old lights to L.E.D lights which I’ve seen in other places, they use way less electricity and are more sufficient

Thank you for all your hard work


Response from Mayor Coles:

We have been working with JCP&L to have them upgrade many lights around town. I don’t know if they are using LED Streetlights yet, but I will ask Meir Lichtenstein., our liaison with JCP&L to ask them about it. I agree with you they are a much more economical way to go. I have replaced almost every incandescent bulb in my house with LEDs.



Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]

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  1. We have a great local company called GreenLight who does this kind of upgrading on all residential and commercial fixtures. They have been involved in many large scale projects. Wouldn’t it be great to have this done by a local company?!

  2. just about every pole in town has a light on them and some of them are so bright that they blind you as you drive by, defeating the original purpose as to see pedestrians near or in the road. LED are great in small areas but don’t broadcast the light that the sodium lights do in larger open areas.

  3. yes we need a lot more streetlights
    if pedestrians are going to walk in the street the should where reflectors but until a bunch of people get hit crossing the street in areas like forest nothing is going to change
    if you’re not going to wear a reflector for yourself than wear it for the drivers so we don’t have your death on our heads

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