The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
After visiting the dentist recently with one of my children, The hygienist told me that Lakewood children have a much higher rate of developing cavities than other children, possibly due to the fact that our water has no fluoride added to it. How can we go about getting fluoride added to our water so that our children’s teeth can stay healthy?
Thank you
Response from Mayor Coles:
Believe it or not, putting fluoride in water is a very controversial topic. Both water companies in town do not fluoridate the water supply.
Fortunately, fluoride treatment is a common treatment available at the dentist. All 3 of my children were raised in Lakewood. They had regular dental checkups once or twice a year. All 3 got through to adulthood with a lot fewer cavities that I had at their age.
The important thing is to make sure everyone gets regular dental checkups and cleanings.
It can save your life, the same way it saved mine.
Almost 10 years ago my hygienist didn’t like the look of my pallet and suggested it get it checked out. It turned out to be an oral cavity cancer. Early diagnosis and the wonderful doctors and staff at Sloane Kettering Cancer Center are probably responsible for me being here to type this message to you.
I still see my dentist & hygienist 3 times a year. This year to mark my 10 anniversary, I intend to celebrate with them. With sugar free treats of course!
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
Dear Mayor,
You are amazing and really special. We are so fortunate to have you as our Mayor.
May the Almighty send to you and your family and the entire Lakewood community and Ocean County lots and lots of great health.
Wishing everyone all the best.
Have a nice weekend and a Good Shabbos.
Please do not fluoridate our water. If you want to poison your kids, get them a fluoride “supplement” for “healthy” teeth. No need to add this cancer causing substance to everyone’s water!
PS: Your kids dont have cavities because you didn’t serve them fluoride, they have cavities because you served them junk & possibly dont brush as good as they should.
It may have something to do with the huge amounts of nosh and soda the kids are eating. (also we need to make sure that kids are brushing and flossing daily!!
Fluoride is a neurological poison and you’re asking for it!? save your teeth and kill your nervous system. remember anything the Government recommends is not in your best interests, dentists and doctors for that matter only follow what the fda cdc ada tell them protocol is, Covid proved this. so think for yourself do your own research
I sell (heavy duty) tin foil hats. They protect you from all govt monitoring. If interested, contact me.
omg is that why I can tidewater lkwd water and not other? how silly r ppl? fluoride is quiet unhealthy & fda allows it to be put into ur foods. there r fluoride pills if ur children need. ever wonder why if ur child eats a more than a pea sized amount of toothpaste u need to call poison control? it’s bec of the fluoride! u don’t want added chemicals in ur water! If you look it up the fluoride with less cavities has been called bust! it has a possible unconfirmed 15% chance of differece. Don’t just follow the science bec the science follows the money trail!!!
A nice quote ——–
“Science follows the $”
I heard that fluoride was an industrial by product and in order to get rid of it, it was promoted to prevent tooth decay. But, it is a dangerous toxin that I don’t want in my drinking water. If you really want to poison yourself and your kids wit fluoride there are other ways to do so. I don’t use fluoride containing toothpaste either.
Ask yourself the following question. The dentist applies flouride to your teeth to protect from cavities….right? So how exactly does drinking flouridated water go up to your teeth? Does it magically make it’s way up to protect your teeth?
If you are worried about your kids teeth (AND HEALTH), set an example for them and cut out all the chemicals (junk food) that they eat everyday, all day…..
When I took my 3 children to the dentist once after a year and a half break due to insurance problems, the dentist was shocked and said: “THREE CHILDREN AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF AND NOT ONE CAVITY? SUCH A THING DOESN’T EXIST IN LAKEWOOD!!!!”
Flouradate all you want. It’s not going to help their teeth if they continue to eat all the garbage let alone setting them up for a life of disease. Hashem Yerachem.
Fluoridation began with the well-meaning but misguided belief that fluoride was essential for teeth to develop decay-resistant. Modern science disproved that. Fluoride isn’t a nutrient or essential – meaning that consuming a fluoride-free diet doesn’t cause cavities. Rotten diets make rotten teeth and no amount of fluoride has changed that.
Like all drugs, fluoride has adverse side effects which affect different people in different ways and some not at all.
There is no scientifically valid to continue fluoridation. But politics, not science, supports it.
Dentists are indoctrinated in dental school to preach for fluoridation. The real problem is that most dentists refuse to treat low income folks. 80% of dentists refuse Medicaid patients. The American Dental Association (a very rich and powerful organization support by corporations that benefit from tooth decay and fluoride sales) lobbied successfully to have dental excluded from Medicare. Dentists have priced Americans out of routine dental care sending too many to hospital ER’s when the pain is too much to bear. At least 101 Americans died in hospitals from the consequences of untreated tooth decay, over a 3 year period as reported by the J of the Am Dental Assoc.
After 77 years of fluoridation, reaching record numbers of Americans, 70% of US children & adolescents are afflicted with dental fluorosis – white spotted or yellow splotched teeth.
Dentists advertise to cover up those unsightly teeth
for mostly out-of-pocket fees.
Emerging science shows fluoride gets into the brain. 74 human studies link fluoride to lower IQ