The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].
Hi. Thanks for taking questions!
Today I allowed my son to bike to seasons. I had him go down avenue of the states so that he would be able to cross cedarbridge by the light. The problem is there is no time when a pedestrian can cross! When the light was his to cross the light was green on avenue of the states and the cars were making left turns into him. Is there a way to make this light safe for pedestrians?
Response from Mayor Coles:
I will ask our engineer Tony to work with the county to get this resolved.
Thanks for letting me know.
Hi, I’m originally from Brooklyn and moved to Lakewood a couple of years ago. I want to share something that I believe may help avoid the many car accidents in Lakewood. I realized something very different with the traffic lights in Lakewood and in Brooklyn. In Brooklyn in a 4 way intersection the changing of the lights are slower. Meaning, for both intersections they both have a red light for a few seconds until the light turns green for one. There is a few second delay. The traffic lights in intersections in Lakewood change over very quickly and that leaves very little time for error. For example, someone running a light that just turned red and a person at the other intersection with their foot on the gas while the lights are still changing for them to go the second it turns green for them. I believe that if the traffic lights changed just a few seconds slower we can avoid many car accidents. It may make people slightly anxious if they’re in a rush but we’re talking just a few seconds more… I believe it can make Lakewood a safer place to drive.
– A concerned Lakewood resident.
Response from Mayor Coles:
Good morning. As someone originally from Brooklyn and raised in Staten Island I know what you are talking about .
I will ask our engineer to research what the regulations about light timing are and see what we can do.
Thank you for the new traffic light at the intersection of Chestnut and Vermont.
Since the installation of the traffic light, traffic gets backed up on Chestnut St past the intersection of Coughlin St, and there’s no space to make a left from Coughlin St onto Chestnut.
I would like to request that the intersection of Chestnut and Coughlin St should be marked with a white ‘do not block’ box, so that there should be space for a turn.
Thank you.
A resident on Coughlin St
Response from Mayor Coles:
Good morning
We are asking the county to install the box here .
Thanks for the suggestion.
Have a question for the Mayor? Send it to [email protected]
Have a question for the Chief? Send it to [email protected]
A longer red before the other way has a green won’t help since more drivers will just go on the “yellow”. A longer red will only help if tickets are given for those who go on red (N.Y. has cameras). Right now the traffic in the direction that just turned red only stops when the other direction starts moving…
Another thing to keep in mind is that in Brooklyn it’s not as bad to park close to intersections because there’s usually a traffic light, but here in Lakewood one street usually has right away while the intersecting street has a stop sign, so if cars are parked too close to the intersection, cars cannot see other cars and pedestrians when turning! This would prevent many accidents.I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if my selfish act of parking too close to corner caused someone to get injured or even worse,chas vshalom!
Umm In response to the Mayors answer to the first question I would like say that in no way shape or form should cederbridge be delayed for a pedestrian crossing!!!!!!! Noway!!!!!! I drive cedarbridge a few times a day and I NEVER saw someone cross there!!!!!! If you add 15 seconds to every light for a crosser you are backing up thousands of people throughout the day FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON!!!!!! This must be stopped immediately!!!!!
(You wanna cross? Go to the season light. Are you seriously asking for there to be a time for pedestrian cross there???? Backing up cedarbridge so that once a month in the summer time your kid can cross? Please write a letter to the mayor saying you don’t really want it.)
This is getting alittle out of hand. Each person has their request and the mayor just says sure we’ll do it…
A walking signal on cedarbridge?!
Are we going crazy here??
Did anyone ever see someone trying to cross there?! Please stop this from taking effect!!
Dear mayor,
My job doesn’t pay me enough and there’s no spots if I come late. Can you please get me a raise and have them save me a spot. Thank you
These signals are user activated (there is one like it at rt 9 and 88) so if no one is there is doesn’t impact the cycle of the light. The problem is no one pushes the button because there is this idea that they don’t do anything. They might not change the light sooner but they do active the walk sign. Also it might make more sense to have a crosswalk at that interaction at the side closer to new Hampshire, not the side closer to seasons….
There should be a pedestrian bridge over cedarbdige. This will solve the crossing problem.