Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles responds to your ‘Ask The Mayor’ questions: 14th Street

The following is an ‘Ask The Mayor’ question submitted to TLS, and the Mayor’s response. Email your questions for the Mayor to [email protected].


Honorable Mayor,

I emailed you previously about the light at 14th st & Hope Chapel, and you responded that we should give the light more time since it was new back then.

Here I am reaching out to you again since the traffic & congestion has only gotten worse and worse. We really need this light to be fixed! Either it should turn into a blinking yellow light or the green light for cars on 14th street should be decreased to 2 seconds!

Every time I pass by, which is about 4 times a day, there is NEVER more than 1 or 2 cars waiting for that light – while all the cars on Hope are backed up in all directions!

I saw a few weeks ago that someone again emailed you about it causing such traffic now by the intersection of County Line and Hope!

Please please can you get the township to decrease the green light or turn it into a blinking light for the cars on 14th street..

Thank you for all that you do for our town.


Response from Mayor Coles:

Good morning,

I have asked our engineer to look into your suggestions and see what we can do to improve traffic flow at the light.

Thanks for taking the time to write.

Take Care



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  1. I remember those days before the traffic light at Hope & 14th St.. If you were driving on 14th St. and now you want to make a left turn onto Hope, it took a very long time because many cars were on Hope travelling in both directions. Those days there were 6 or 7 cars waiting on 14th St. to enter Hope Rd..
    If Hope Rd. gets a blinking yellow, the traffic on Hope is not going to stop in both directions. Even if one car is going to be nice and he will slow down, but the other car on Hope travelling in the opposite direction, he is not slowing down, so all those cars on 14th that are waiting to enter this intersection, they are still stuck, because if you are trying to make a left turn and travel on Hope Rd. going south west, you need both sides of Hope Rd. to stop and let you come in.
    Also you mentioned that the light should stay green for exactly two seconds. Now you know very well that if a person is playing with his phone at that intersection while he is waiting for the light to turn green, there is no way in the world that two seconds will be enough, even if the first guy who was playing with his phone, even if he barely managed to catch the light, the guy behind that first car will no way in the world make that light alive.
    Also there is another issue, many people who daven at that Shul near by, many of them are parking their cars on 14th St. right next to Hope Rd.. The Shul for that reason has an extra parking lot on Hope Rd. and I don’t know why they are still parking on 14th St. because that area the road is very narrow and you need to drive in the other lane where the cars are approaching from the opposite direction and that can maybe cause a serious accident.

  2. YES yes that was me a few weeks ago!! and a few weeks before that too!! So happy others are joining to write about this problem bec all the traffic that builds up there is so so unnecessary and such a pity to waste everyone’s time. Sitting in useless traffic also makes very frustrated and impatient drivers and you can imagine what that does to already crazy lakewood drivers.. I love this town but the driving leaves what to be desired.. useless traffic only makes the driving worse and more dangerous. I am eagerly awaiting this light to be fixed soon!!

  3. I’ve been living on 14th Street for more than 20 years and have seen the congestion worsen over the years. I was not a fan of having the light installed, and can appreciate the frustration of those drivers driving down Hope Road.
    However, reducing the green light time for drivers turning onto Hope Road from 14th Street is just passing your frustration onto others.
    During peak times, there can be more than 5 cars waiting on 14th Street. Usually, there’s time for 2, maybe 3, cars to turn onto Hope Road due to the backup from the next traffic light. Shortening the green time will just exacerbate matters.
    Perhaps your idea for a flashing light may work during off-peak hours, but most certainly not during peak hours.

  4. So basically the Township spent money using our tax dollars to install a light and now its useless causing more traffic like 1st and clifton. Just so typical.

    At some point we need better traffic study preferably done by someone in the community who lives in the area.

    Most of the studies are done by “traffic safety” probably on yom kippur. we should be more advanced.

    Always remember when we build and build with no limits, only one person gains and that’s the developer who would never build in his area sadly #14th street.

  5. Welcome to lakewood.
    First we say put a light
    now make it blink

    we say verizon is horrible
    and we also fight towers

    can we be consistant?

  6. This is the only town that be asking for traffic lights to be put up basically at every intersection but once they’re up becomes a pest cause it’s an inconvenience waiting an extra few seconds. The same town that calls for the police to write tickets but when the state police is here that’s another problem. The same town that complains about garbage not being picked up but when DPW does it’s a problem cause either is early and they’re holding traffic or waking up ppl or it’s late and people can’t sleep. It seems that we always find something to complain about it instead of finding something productive or solutions.

  7. 2 seconds is ridiculously short for a green light anywhere!! Especially considering that 3 seconds is the minimum timing, per MUTCD, for an amber (yellow) signal on a 20mph limit road. The red light at 14th Street side is already very long. BTW the initials are for the federal Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Blinking yellow and red lights are definitely a good idea from 11pm – 6 am at that intersection and many others

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