It’s not quite Winter yet, but we looking at out first potential snowfall this weekend – Friday into Saturday.
“Public Works is gearing up and pretreating many of our streets,” Mayor Coles told TLS. “Our workforce will be in place to clear the streets as soon as possible.”
The snow could start falling after 1:00AM. 3-6 inches of snow is possible for our area.
“The temperatures will be around freezing, which means icy sidewalks and streets could be a problem. Please be very careful if you are out walking tomorrow morning.”
What happens to all the leaves that are at the curb? The township should have picked the leaves up already and not wait until the last minute for leaf removal.
Luckily most of the snow will be falling on Saturday, when there will be a LOT LESS drivers on the road. People can help DEP by parking their cars OFF the streets so the plows can do their jobs.
Snow can start as early as 1am, which day are you referring to?