Lakewood Matzah Bakery: Sunday Pre-order Deadline to Receive Discounted Matzah Pricing

Lakewood Matzoh adar matzah 11-27-page-001[ADVERTORIAL] It’s time to think about Pesach! As in the past years, Matzohs freshly baked in Adar will be available at a discounted price of $20/lb by PRE-ORDERING ONLY!

10 lb. minimum – no exceptions

Fax in an order and pick it up anytime before Pesach.

Orders must be in by Sunday, March 13, 2016

We are located at 501 Prospect St. Excell Business Park main entrance, the first right, then another right, around building

Order 3 ways:

Tel: 732-364-8757 · Fax: 732-358-0667 (All fax orders must be made with credit card number, expiration date & CVC # and phone number) or email [email protected]

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