Lakewood man pleads guilty to fleeing accident which killed Yechiel Feingold Z”L

The Lakewood man who fled the scene of the accident which killed Yechiel Feingold Z”L had pled guilty.

Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer announced that on January 8, 2021, Mashon Wilson, 30, of Lakewood, pled guilty to Knowingly Leaving the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Accident Resulting in Death in violation of N.J.S.A.2C:11-5.1, and Driving While Suspended in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-40, before the Honorable Guy P. Ryan, J.S.C., relative to a motor vehicle crash that occurred on November 25, 2018 in Lakewood. Additionally, Wilson pled guilty before Judge Ryan to anunrelated charge of Burglary in violation of N.J.S.A. 2C:18-2. At the timeof his sentencing on February 8, 2021, the State will be seeking a term of six years in New Jersey State Prison (NJSP) in connection with the Leaving the Scene of an Accident charge, and a term of four years NJSP with regard to the Burglary charge. The sentences are to run concurrently.Wilson is currently lodged in the Ocean County Jail.

On November 25, 2018, at approximately 7:00 a.m., Lakewood Police responded to the area of West County Line Road and Cedar Road to investigate a two vehicle accident involving a fatality.  Upon arrival, they found that a 2019 Chevrolet Suburban had crashed into a tree; the driver was critically injured, and the passenger was pronounced dead on the scene.  Further investigation determined that the other vehicle involved in the accident, a 2018 Nissan Sentra, had fled the scene.  Police traced the car to a residence in Lakewood.  At the residence, they located Wilson and two other individuals — Shayna Lee (49) and Iyanna Hall (30) — both of Lakewood.  Lee and Hall told police that Lee was the driver of the Nissan in question, and had left the scene of the accident.  Subsequent investigation revealed that Wilson was, in fact, the driver of the vehicle, and that Lee and Hall had given false statements to the police.  Lee and Hall were both charged with Hindering the Apprehension of Another by Giving a False Statement to a Police Officer in violation of N.J.S.A.2C:29-3a(7). Those charges remain pending.

Prosecutor Billhimer acknowledges the diligent efforts of Senior Assistant Prosecutor Jamie Schron who is handling the case on behalf of the State, as well as the Lakewood Township Police Department, Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Vehicular Homicide Unit, and Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit, for their collaborative efforts in connection with this investigation, ultimately resulting in today’s guilty plea.

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  1. Steal someone’s jacket and you get 4 years. Kill them and total the car, you get 6. Hey, it’s Jersey. Oh, right. Now it makes sense.

  2. While the frustration in the above comments is readily apparent and appreciated, the police investigation found that the hit and run driver was not at fault for the fatal accident.
    Therefore, he was only charged with leaving the scene of accident that included a fatality.
    The plea bargain, which allows the sentences to run concurrently, is a very usual turn of events, in order to close the case without trial, securing a conviction. Jury’s unpredictability has a lot to do with it.
    What’s worse, however, it that he won’t even sit for full 6 years, according to NJ penal laws.

  3. Federal System is no different. Kill someone you get 4-6 years white collar crime starts at 20! In America tax evasion is bigger crime then manslaughter

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