Lakewood Man Bitten By Pitbull Shabbos Afternoon, Lands Him In Hospital On IV

brown pitbullTLS EXCLUSIVE: A relaxing Shabbos afternoon turned into a horrific one for one Lakewood man. At approximately 4:00 p.m. Shabbos afternoon, the Yungerman was walking on County Line Road from the Villas in the direction of Route 9, when a Pitbull  crossed the road and began chasing him. The man began running for his life, but the vicious dog caught up to him and began attacking him. The dog finally let go, but not before biting the Yungerman on his left arm. Several Spanish men walking behind the Yungerman witnessed the horrific attack and quickly called the Police, who immediately respomded with EMS. The Yungerman was treated at the scene, but refused to be transported to the Hospital.

The Yungerman then walked home and contacted a Doctor Motzei Shabbos, who sent him to the Hospital.

Upon arrival to the Hospital with a swollen arm, the Yungerman was treated and  placed on IV.

Police and other Officials went to visit the patient at KMC, where a Police report was filed and Police gathered other important information.

“‘It’s more the trauma than the actual bite”, the Yungerman told TLS.

He was released from the Hospital at approximately 2:00 a.m.

Police are looking for what is described as a brown dog with a white face.

Anyone with information is asked to call PD at 732-363-0200.

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  1. I think it’s important to note that I ASSUME he asked the EMT’s if it was safe to wait until after Shabbos. If that was not the case then he has no right to wait until after Shabbos. How can we know what kind of infections he had gotten?

  2. PITBULLS….. aside from drive-by’s, drug dealing, bass & chrome rims, unlicensed drivers, suspended drivers, and young males with warrants…. oooooohh the joys of living in an “urban” neighborhood.

  3. He should have gone straight to the hospital! If the dog broken throught the skin, he was a Choleh SheYesh Bo Sakanah and needed immediate medical attention.
    Let this be a lesson for every reader. Do not become frum on account of Hatzolas Nefashos. Hilchos Shabbos come second to saving a life. He could’ve contracted rabies and died! The worst he could’ve transgressed was D’Rabannons – Hatzolas Nefashos is D’Oraisa.
    I challenge anyone to ask his Rov.

  4. Any dog will chase u if u run I have a pit bull and it would not bite anyone. A. Don’t run from dogs B. If it bites u go 2 hospital don’t wait…

  5. We had a campaign to get rid of 6 pitbulls that were behind our development. We put great pressure on the owners of the properties and it worked. The owner of the property could be liable.

  6. #4 you are from the see no evil hear no evil weirdos. First off what are your kids doing on the internet. Second yes there are bad things out there,there are dogs,and cars and scary people, and disease and accidents and death and all the rest….your kids will never know about any of that? will they be raised in a sound proof room and never go out ever? or will you let them out when they are 21 and shock them with life??

  7. even if there was no sakanah he should have gone to hospital, there is no problem getting a ride in a car on shaboss, its not chillul shaboss and the bar is lifted considerably

  8. Anonymous says:
    May 30, 2010 at 3:12 pm
    Why are your kids on the internet?
    you obviously cant read! i wrote that my kids heard about it . where does it say that they were on the internet . THINK BEFORE YOU POST applies to you too apparently

  9. #13 You are right!
    There is a wild pit bull around, but you wanty to close your ears & imagine nothing is happening.
    The Mishne Berura complains that people who don’t listen to the leining of the “Tochecha” due to it being uncomfortable, are like people who don’t listen to their doctor’s warning. Well, I am sure you belong to that group!

  10. Anonymous says:
    May 30, 2010 at 5:41 pm
    #13 You are right!
    There is a wild pit bull around, but you wanty to close your ears & imagine nothing is happening.
    The Mishne Berura complains that people who don’t listen to the leining of the “Tochecha” due to it being uncomfortable, are like people who don’t listen to their doctor’s warning. Well, I am sure you belong to that group!
    mishna berura also says that if you have nothing good to say then better dont say it in the first place , besides for the fact that you will be announcing your bright side (NOT)

  11. #16. Obviously you don’t follow the posts, as #13 was a continuation to #4., thus #14 was a valid response!

  12. then why did #4 say think before you write? If his kids are not on the internet then they can’t read the posts and then we don’t have to think before we write,as they will not be reading it and they will not be afraid of what we write.

  13. Hershel we are seeing the fruits of out town being run to the ground. We need some fresh new ideas to take the town back. Make your voice heard and VOTE for HH!

  14. Gedolei hador were not made from chrome rims or the like! Thats whats wrong with chrome rims! Does everything today have to be spelled out in a sefer or else you cant know the proper Yideshe Derech?! Didyour Bubbe and Zeide grow up that way?!

  15. zeigezunt says:
    May 30, 2010 at 10:50 pm
    Gedolei hador were not made from chrome rims or the like! Thats whats wrong with chrome rims! Does everything today have to be spelled out in a sefer or else you cant know the proper Yideshe Derech?! Didyour Bubbe and Zeide grow up that way?!
    did your bubbe and zaydeh blog on the internet? did your great bubbe and zaideh drive a car or have a telephone ?
    Go back under that rock and continue to read bubbe myselech!

  16. People should be educated about animals, just because you might choose not to own any you should at least know not to run from a wild dog. It’s not the dog’s fault it’s whoever raised him.

  17. where was that old guy with the gun who lives on county line and shot the burglar that broke into his house last year?

    by the way– if you chase the dog it will run away. goes against human nature – you want to run, but better if you run at the dog and yell at him, too. I tried this many times and it works.
    no charge for that tip.

  18. the twp should adopt an ordinance that would require all pitbull owners to be LICENSED. this very business-minded town knows how to manipulate and dictate private business / property owners quite well, yet when comes to public safety they are quite dumbfounded / narrow minded. It should be a no-brainer owning a pitbul is like owning a weapon. do i need to spell it out any better for our politicians? or is the problem that most of these pitbul owners are illegals in someway or have no money. or are they not owned by the same ppl that get milked by the inspection dept.

  19. How can you tell someone who is afraid of dogs not to run when he sees one? It is instinctive to want to run away from a dog even if it is not the best thing too do. Pit bulls are known for their viciousness and I wouldn’t trust one even if I were not running from it.

  20. It’s animal nature to chase things, and to run away when being chased. As hard as it might be it does work to run and yell towards the dog. I believe most dogs have to be licensed legally??? Most places do random inspections when they see a dog in a yard to knock on the door and check if the dog is licensed, they also check if the dog has a contained yard that it cannot escape. Fines are assessed and if the problem is not fixed they can take the dog away.

    Document states all owners must register their dogs if the dog is over 6 months old. Lakewood, do your township a favor and enforce this please.

  21. Why do people assume a pitbull is different than any other dog? That’s nothing short of a stereotype. No different than saying all black people do crime. How a dog is raised will determine it’s disposition! Not its breed! A poodle could be trained to be just as vicious as a vicious pitbull. Everyone’s talking about reading first before they speak, why is it no one has read/spoke about that?

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