Ocean County Library’s Lakewood branch, 301 Lexington Avenue., will host a free, seven-session class to prepare people who want to take the test for US citizenship.
The class is appropriate for adults 18 years and older who have lawful and continuous permanent residency in the United States for a minimum of five years. Those attending should have been physically present in the United States for thirty months, with at least three months living in the same state or district.
The class will instruct the students on all topics covered by the test for US citizenship, including civics and American history, and offer practice exercises on English reading and written vocabulary.
The test itself will not be administered as part of the class. The test for US citizenship is only administered by US Citizenship and Immigration Services.
The class will be held on Wednesdays: February 4, 11, 18, 25 and March 4, 11, 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the branch.
Registration is required because of the limited class size. Registration begins January 5.
For more information about a person’s eligibility to qualify for the class or to register contact Librarian Richard Potter at (732) 363-1435 ext. 2117 or [email protected].
Free classes? Nothing is free, it comes out of my county taxes
I would have the immigration and border patrol come to the meeting. Free classes? The Emergency Room is “free”. School is ” free”. Sure. We are paying for it!!!! Big time.
To #2 and what is the purpose of calling ice? When clearly all those who may attend are LEGAL residents of the United States. You can not just become a citizen without having your residence first. Ignorance is bliss!
To #’s 1&2.
It may be a good idea to remember that our parents, grandparents etc… came in as immigrants to this country as well. We as a people did not get treated very well in the early years as immigrants. We all crammed in to the lower east side and other neighborhoods the same way we complain about other immigrant groups taking over communities. For years most new jewish immigrants did not have basic knowledge/history/language about the country they came to and had trouble integrating into society because of that. We as jews should know better and to have pity for all these immigrants who are really just trying to start their lives over and give their kids a better chance. I understand the frustration when a “FREE” class ends up coming out of our tax payer dollars. However, I do think that if immigrants in our community are given a chance an education etc… they can easily become contributing members to our tax system. Also, once this generation grows up all the current children in the public schools can hopefully pay their fair share of taxes and alleviate the crazy educational budget shortfalls we are currently experiencing. Just to clarify I am not advocating for blanket citizenship or anything like that. I am just saying that if there are people who want to become citizens and learn about our culture, history and language we should be very encouraging. America welcomed us in in a dire time in jewish history. Let us now try to understand others who just want better for themselves and their children and be ok with the “FREE” classes.
My mother would tell me how hard it was when she was a kid being from europe. They got treated like 3rd class citizens (the same way SOME treat mexicans today). After years of working hard they became contributing members to their community and to our country. Show some rachmanus, it wont hurt.
I agree with #3, remember we were strangers in Mitzrayim and plus having them become voting citizens would allow them to be invested in Lakewood and have councilmen that actually care for their interests as well.