Lakewood Gets Highest A+Rating on Lowest Crime Rate In the US | Ron Benvenisti

Lakewood Gets A+ Rating on Crime Even As 101 Officers Shot In the US So Far This Year; A 43% Increase Over Last Year

The left declared war on the police and law and order back in 2019. The Democrats called to defund police in city after city and they got their wish. Repeat violent felons are released into the community within hours.

Now we are seeing the fruits of their efforts. The brazen violent crimes and murders committed recently in the U.S. is unprecedented.

World anti-semitism is worse than ever. Ethnic hate crimes, homicides and other violent attacks are on the rise.  While the National Crime  average is down by 60 percent, according to the latest FBI statistics. Cities like Chicago, New York and Minneapolis. Portland OR and even Washington DC, crimes have actually risen. Police have been openly attacked.

The FBI report gives The Lakewood Police, Sheriff, Prosecutor and affiliated agencies, an A+. There were 1002 reported crimes in Lakewood. That’s an average of 928 per 100,000. The New Jersey average is 1,324 which is more than half of the national average of 2,326 per 100,000 residents.

A simple traffic stop often results in an on-duty murder of a police officer. More cops are killed by armed criminals in traffic stops than any other cause.

This is exactly the scenario that took Chris Matlosz, may he rest in peace, from us. Let us recall:

Police said the 27-year-old officer was alone in his patrol car conducting a routine stop on August Drive near Joe Parker Boulevard and did not even get out of his car when questioning the man who killed him.

“Just a question and answer type of thing that the individual stepped back at one point and suddenly pulled out a handgun, a weapon and shot the officer three times,” Ocean County Prosecutor Marlene Lynch Ford said.

Officer Matlosz had no time to get his own gun out of the holster.

As he was dying in the driver’s seat he was in communication with dispatch. Help arrived quickly but not quickly enough and he was pronounced dead at Jersey Shore University Medical Center.

“Officer Matlosz was engaged to be married. The fiancée was at the hospital,” Lynch Ford said. “Every year we lose police officers in this country and so many of their losses are just like this one: routine, nonviolent situations” that suddenly turn deadly. Now it hits home. This is the risk every officer takes when he put on the badge.”

The National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the world’s largest organization of law enforcement officers, has counted 101 officers shot in the line of duty as of April 1, including 17 fatally, so far in 2022.

The latest figure marks a 43% increase compared to the number of officers shot at the same time period in 2021 and a 63% increase compared to 2020, FOP reports.

“We are in the midst of a real crisis. The violence directed at law enforcement officers is unlike anything I’ve seen in my 36 years of law enforcement,” National FOP President Patrick Yoes said in a Friday statement. “Last year was one of the most dangerous years for law enforcement, with more officers shot in the line of duty since the National Fraternal Order of Police began recording this data.”

The National Police Defense Foundation’s (NPDF) Safe Cop” program is nationally renowned for posting up to a $10,000 rewards for public information that results in the arrest and conviction of anyone who shoots a member law enforcement officer, anywhere in the United States.

The “Safe Cop” criteria for reward payment mandates a conviction for the armed assault of a law enforcement officer and a prosecutor’s certification that the public information was instrumental in the arrest and conviction of the defendant. The Safe Cop program was established in 1995 and has been instrumental in the arrest of several suspects involved in police related shootings.

Additional “Safe Cop” Program Services From The National Police Defense Foundation:

  • Critical medical care and counseling to disabled law enforcement personnel worldwide.
  • The NPDF will periodically establish a medical fund for the disabled officer or an immediate family member when they are financially unable to pay for medical treatment or have outstanding medical debt.

Ron Benvenisti, LE Member #1391, 2001 – 2022

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  1. This can be a learning lesson for all those media outlets who enjoy bashing our community every time there may be something negative to report. Numbers don’t lie. It is stunning that with such a large population, there is so little crime. The honesty and integrity of our community is clear. Yes, we may have issues as every large city has but we also have something that no other large city has either. That Is something to be proud of

  2. A big shout out to Chief Meyer, Sheriff Mastronardy and all their dedicated officers and staff. Thank you Mr. Benvenisti for letting us know Lakewood is #1.

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