The Township Committee passed a resolution Thursday evening rewarding the Lakewood First Aid squad $20,000 from UEZ funds towards a down-payment for an Ambulance. The squad tells TLS they will be purchasing a used Ambulance to replace a 13 year old unit, which they hope to purchase within the next two months.
The squad – which serves as a backup to the Township’s EMS – currently has two Ambulances. TLS.
where hatzalahs grant for to replace the 20 yr old rig
I believe hatzolah got a grant last year.
dont think 20k will buy a new rig probably just help with a down payment like they said at the meeting last night
The chassis (cab and frame) is 13 years old, the box mounted on it where patients are treated is 25+ years old and has been remounted at least twice already and cannot be remounted again.
The chassis (cab and frame) is 13 years old, the box mounted on it where patients are treated is 25+ years old and has been remounted at least twice already and cannot be remounted again.
I thought the Volunteer First Aid Squad was donated an old Monoc truck that they were going to fix to use, what will happen with that truck. What’s going on here.
lakewood ems gets nothing in this town including any respect . i am very happy to lakewood first aid . protecting lakewood for 100 years.
Nu I’m also waiting for hatzolahs name to get on there
Hey, Curious George, Guess what? Hatzolah also got a rig from monoc. So i guess all those complaining about donating to hatzolah for the rig that broke down last week, don’t have to in your opinion.
How many vehicles does Hatzolah have and how many vehicles does Lakewood EMS have? I think the Hatzolah out number the lakewood rigs and buildings. Its needs to be evened out so I am glad for Lakewood EMS they might have to help me one day
Is gas for the rig, space in a township garage with the utilities covered called nothing……..?
The land was bought by LFAS and was given to the township in exchange for the town buiding a building and giving them space inside
Let’s get some facts straight. Hatzolah did not get anew rig from monoc. That rig that is used for the medics was bought buy hatzolah and was turned in to the medic truck. In fact hatzolah basically donated it to monoc. Hatzolah did get a new rig from the Lakewood UEZ which was somewhere in the range of $100,000 as well as the Lakewood EMS. Lakewood first aid has never before received any finances towards anything except for the right to use the township’s gas. The building on pine street which is where the ambulances are kept was “sold” to the township by the lakewood first aid squad for $1 some years back.
come on guys ….
say thanks to the township and that’s all ..
LFA did not receive anything . the town of Lakewood is getting a desperately needed newish ambulance thanks in part to the Township committee , the hard work and countless hours of the members of LFA and your future donations . The Township is merely saying that we looked into it and its needed so now lets do our part and send in our checks ..
It cost about 65k to insure each ambulance in nj
Bh hatzolah has the resources needed. Lfa was in desperate need of a new rig and so I’m happy they got one. Y do so many people care and feel the need to compare? An old saying mind your own business.
To NY הצלה member : Please get your facts right before posting. All i can say is “you are wrong”.
I know by us it’s around 50k a year
first and most important LFA is very thankfull of the Township committe for hearing and answering the call for help. the commitee stepped up when they were contacted and did not shy away from the squads needs. secondly, a big thank you to mt Lasry for all his work on this.
the $20,000 will go a long way in helping LFA affording this much needed ambulance. LFA is the back up to the EMS dept and at times to Hatzolah and the whole town will benefit from this much needed upgrade.
as a member i want to thank everyone who was and is involved in making this a reality
Thank you to Mr Coles,miller, lichtenstien,ackerman and langert. ( if i missed a member sorry). The Squad is very grateful and we will put in to good use serving our town. In addition to the old UEZ for their direct and unwavering way of delivering.
Than you Lakewood for helping out LFA. Their volunteers are great and a great asset to Lakewood! May hashm bless u all. Ever realize how morons like making politics between Hatzolah and LFA while the members of each greatly respect each other and work together?