The Lakewood Fire District intends to appoint four new firefighters at its meeting Monday night.
The individuals to be appointed are:
Leiby Friedman
Shawn Strubeck
Mordy Goldstein
Daniel Sanchez
Three have prior firefighting experience and will be assigned to full-time duties right away; one will receive training at the fire academy before beginning work.
Fire Commissioner Larry S. Loigman expressed his appreciation to those involved in dealing with the complex scheduling issues which had to be resolved during the last few months.
Commissioner Loigman singled out Yehuda Beer, Fire District Administrator; Chief Jon Yahr; and Jeremy Reyes, president of the firefighters’ union, FMBA Local 80, for special thanks. In addition, he expressed his appreciation to Rabbi Avi Schnall, New Jersey director of Agudath Israel, for his assistance.
“Working in a co-operative spirit, we were able to accomplish this unique moment for the benefit of Lakewood’s residents and the Fire Department,” the commissioner noted.
(Anyone interested in joining the Fire Department as a volunteer or paid firefighter should contact the Fire District office, at 732 364-5151, for further information.)
Wow. Mazel Tov to all.
I’m sure all these guys are terrific. But, I must say, Mordy Goldstein is an absolute Rockstar when it comes to fighting fires. From his quick response time, to his physical strength to his intelligence, knowing the ways of a fire and being a student of the science of all types of fire, make him an amazing asset and a spectacular addition to the career fire fighters of Lkwd Twsp.
Rock on, Mordy !!