[DOWLOAD THE FREE iPHONE APP HERE] The Lakewood Daf Yomi Chaburah App launched in October has just become available for Apple users.
ou can now access an energy-infused Daf Yomi Shuir with engaging commentaries and Halacha – wherever you are. The Shiurim are packed with a flavor of Lumdos, Halacha L’maaseh, Machshava, Hashkafa, general Yedios and more, related to the Sugya, and delivered in 45 minutes.
The official Lakewood Daf Yomi Chaburah app gives you free to access audio recordings of the live daily shiur delivered in Lakewood, as well as other select Shiurim given by a variety of lecturers.
The app allows you to listen to Shiurim on your phone on the road, or download Shiurim in the app for offline listening.
– Image of daf to learn inside.
– Bookmark shiurim to listen later.
– Audio Player: Main and mini player.
– Smart Play/Pause features.
– Tags for interesting topics within the Daf
Additional features to be released include:
– Share favorites with your friends.
– Surprise Me.
– Download shiurim to listen when you’re offline.
– Search shiur, tags,themes, or related shiurim.
– Sort by recent, popular.
– Custom playlist – tailored to your time frame.
– Completion status of specific shiur
The Lakewood Daf Yomi shiur is given by Sruly Bornstein and guest Magidei Shiurim.
Shiur Times: Sunday 9:30am, Monday-Friday 6:20am & Shabbos 1 hour before Mincha
The weekday Shiurim are recorded live at the Shiur in the High Street Bais Medrash 27 Grassmere Street, Lakewood.
See more at: www.LakewoodDafYomi.com & Twiitter: @DafYomiLkwd
TLS thank you for the timely posts all the chesed that you do for the tzibur!