[UPDATED] A Lakewood couple was involved in a serious early morning accident in Pennsylvania, and are said to be in serious condition. Please take a moment to be Mispallel for Eliyahu Zev ben Sima Chana, and Tziporah bas Esther Baila. (Full Tehillim can be found here).
Sources say the family was driving from Cleveland when they collided with a deer on the highway. TLS-CCP.
UPDATED 2:00 PM: TLS has been advised that the husband and wife are both in stable condition at this time.
Will bli neder do 1-5.
May they have a refuah shlaima.
what does it make a differnce if they are “prominent or not
BN 16-20 inclusive
Besuros tovos!
i am doing 20-30 its gevaldig, a refua shlima bekoruv
werein pennsylvania? do they need assistance?
I will bl”n say 31-40 inclusive. Refuah shelaima.
number 4 where does it say prominent?
Mi keamcha yisrael!!!! I will do 41-50 inclusive.
i will bn say now 41-51
41-50 inclusive refua shelaima
For that matter, what’s the difference if they were Lakewood couple, they are achenu bnei yisroel
63-70 inclusive –
i will bli neder do 70-80
i will say chapter 51 (chapter of teshuva & the missing chapter between bogs 13 & 14) may we all do teshuva soon so tragedy can come to an end
80 – 85 including 85
Having had a deer jump in front of me causing well over 10K damage to my vehicle, not to mention the tzar & agmas nefesh we felt & still feel when we see deer on the side of the road.
Deer strikes CAN kill!!
i will do 86-90 inclusive.
91-95 inclusive
i will say bli neder 90- 100 inclusive.
I just said 101.
102 and 103
refuah shleimah
Let’s all mikabel to be mischazek GREATLY in Ahavas yisrael for their zechus!
I will do 104
Said 104 and 105. refua shleima
refua shelema get better quick
said 105-110
I will say 106 now. Refuah Sheleima B’Karov.
I will say 111 through 115.
I am 140-165
Thank you for editing the story as well as my post!!
Does anybody know if there is any improvement?
‘stable condition’ is very scary!!
also just clarifying… this couple is from Cleveland on the way to Lakewood and got hit by a deer in Pennsylvania?!
to #35 – They are probably from Cleveland originally and went for Shavuos but live in Lakewood. And yes, you pass through Pennsylvania from Cleveland to Lakewood.
he was principal at my childrens yeshiva in monmouth county for over 25 years and has alway’s lived in lakewood. Together he and his wife have been in Kiruv for over 25 years and has show 100’s of children to torah judaism. Good People. My they have a complete refuah and my we se them back teaching torah and helping bring messiach now.
He was also the principal of my childrens yeshiva in monmouth county, He and his wife are very special people, if it wasnt for the Rabbi my children would not be who they are today, he is a very special man and a big part of my childrens lives……Refuah Shelaima