The U.S. Census has released the 2008 population estimates showing Ocean County’s population totaling 569,111, a 0.8% increase over last year and a 10.8% increase since the last Census in 2000, according to Freeholder Director John C. Bartlett Jr. “While we do not want uncontrolled growth, it is a positive sign that people find Ocean County a desirable place to live at the same time the state is losing population,” Freeholder Director Bartlett said. Freeholder Joseph H. Vicari, who serves as Census liaison said, “While these figures are estimates, 2010 will be a critical year for us as that is the next official decennial census. That will determine our representation in Congress and provide population statistics which will be used for funding grants, marketing research and long term planning.” The three largest communities in Ocean County continue to be Toms River Township with a population of 95,933, Brick with 78,419, and Lakewood with 70,983. JNJ.
Lakewood Continues To Grow
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yeah 70,000 people reported living here but theres probably about 100,000 in reality