Lakewood Cheder Children Enjoy A Day At The Park

PHOTOS of Lakewood Cheder children enjoying baseball and other activities at the park this morning. Children were spread out among several parks including Pine Park, Brook Park and Ocean County Park.

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  1. Kids need a “recharge” Not sure if you remeber upor lag baomer outings with ypour school but I do. It goes a long way in learning and all around

  2. To # 3. We apologize for any pain this may have caused you. Permission was asked from the school prior to taking the photos. Please email us with the picture # you would like us to remove and we will remove it.
    Thank you.

  3. To TLS editor: you obtain permission to post pictures of these boys on your web site, did you get permission from the families of the children who were in the fight at the Middle school? or are brown children not valued as much?

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