Lakewood Chaveirim Members Head To Monticello To Assist In Large Search For Missing Boy

[PHOTOS]UPDATED – FOUND: Members of Lakewood Chaveirim this evening are heading up to Monticello, NY, to assist authorities in the search of a missing 12 year old boy, TLS has learned. The boy, Binyamin Baruch (Ben Chana) SimanTov – from a Chabad family – was last seen yesterday at approximately 1:00 PM.

Catskills Hatzolah and other agencies have established a command post and have dozens of volunteers headed out to the area for the search. 

The boy is said to have been wearing a white shirt, black pants and black shoes the last time he was seen.

Additional information will be posted when available.

UPDATE: 10:15 PM. Hundreds of volunteers continue to head into the area to assist the NYSP, Misaskim, Chaveirim and other organizations with the now desperate search.

Volunteers and officials are going door-to-door searching for clues to the whereabouts of the boy.

UPDATED: 10:30 PM The boy has been found alive and well. He was reportedly found in the vicinity of his home.

Photo credit of child found: News Breakers.




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  1. Best of luck to all. I love seeing all the help when it’s needed. How many communities can say they have this type of response for one another? While many sit around and leave the job up to law enforcement, the frum get up and rush to help. god help this little boy.

  2. please,anyone with summer homes/businesses/winter homes that have security camers in that area, check it please. same for crown heights folks. last search in teh summer had thousands of us running in circles while one dedicated person cracked the case with surveillance tapes. hope shomrim/chaveirim learned that checking tapes ASAP is crucial

  3. A person is only lost if THEY don’t know where they are. If the person themselves knows where they are, and just the people looking for them are not in the know, then “the lost person” is not lost. How do we know he didn’t go to his friends house?

  4. 1] Kol haKovod to anyone who helped in this and other situations like it
    2] The ‘membership’ of a member of Klal Yisroel is specifically to haShem and to the KLAL. I do NOT understand why it needs to be said what anyones affiliation is, unless that affiliation would help in the search. If a person is G-d forbid forced to be in a NY hospital over Shobbos Satmar Bikor Cholim doesn’t ask NOR CARE about ‘party affiliation’ except for the fact that this is a yid who needs kosher food and possibly some chizuk or bikor cholim.
    3] Even if the boy and a few freinds know where he is, if the parents are not aware of it then the proper thing to do is search. After the fact, when B”H the situation is clear, teach the group of children they should let parents and others know where they are and when they will return. BUT even the child was in his own home and fell asleep in the basement or in any other way his location was not known, thank G-d that we have people who look first, find the child, make certain that all is good and then figure out what happened.

    Again: Kol haKovod to EVERYONE and Anyone who helped in this and all similar endevours.

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