[Message to TLS readers from O.C. Fire Marshal below] According to Meteorologists for the National Weather Service, there is a significant snowstorm on the way for Lakewood tomorrow. The storm could produce between 12 and 18 inches of snow, with the heaviest of accumulation expected at about 5 p.m. on Sunday. The snow is expected to taper off early Monday morning.
Last week, the DPW said their trucks are ready for the next storm. The Department has 23 trucks.
Mayor Steven Langert tells TLS, residents should remember the effect proper vehicle parking had during last year’s snow cleanups, and be cooperative this year too.
“When we get our next snowstorm, residents should be vigilant and cooperative”, says Mayor Langert. “Properly parking vehicles makes the job a lot easier and will make residents a lot more satisfied with the snow cleanup”, he says.
SEND US YOUR SNOW PHOTOS! To have your snowstorm photos appear in our album, send it to [email protected].
The following notice was sent to TLS by the Fire Marshal’s Office:
We are asking that all apartment building managers and owners, school administrators, dormitory personnel and business owners make sure that all means of egresses (all doors, stairways, and walkways) from buildings shall be free from obstructions that would prevent their proper use to open, including the accumulations of snow and ice.
DFM William Gee,
Ocean County Fire Marshal’s Office.
Don’t worry the LPD will be out in full force.
Yes. Get your cars off the street and into driveways. If you dont have one, ask a neighbor!
we will be getting atleast 12 to 18 prob more with strong winds and heavy whitouts so please tls dont play down this dangerous storm or else everone will think thay could drive and will get stuck.
enjoy the snow!!!!!!! dont drive get milk eggs etc tonight!!!!!!!!!!!
oh man..I’m so excited!! I can’t wait!!
Can’t wait to make doughnuts
Don’t get yourself into a mess but if you do, we know who will be out to help us…. Thanks!!
we all love the first snow storm of the season. it’s the ones to follow that we dread!
but everyone should be prepared because we are gonna get hit! if that means parking in the driveway, getting food stocked up, getting gas for the snowblower, and even preparing your shovels by the door…DO IT NOW!!!!
Have fun and be safe!
chavaverim has 20 trucks ready to roll !!
everyone enjoy the snow and please be safe
nah no snow coming, its all a conspiracy!
Lets get rid of more public works employees. Then everyone can complain that it takes longer to remove the snow
I rent and don’t have a driveway. I apologize
let’s first see the dpw prove itself
stop complaining about who will plow the streets, who will pay for it yada yada yada, just enjoy the first snow , and have fun, life is to short .
dosent yahoo say – 6-8 inches?
WE ARE NOT GETTING HIT SO HARD we are more south just more noise.
This may have a positive effect on crime. With all the footprints…
Hopefully, it will be over in time for school Monday!
Sorry kids, we all want you out of our hair.
The reality is, the bus companies shut down if there is a half inch of snow and the schools fold like a deck of cards.
o great now i’m hearing 12 to 18 inches??!! i thought 6 to 12. o man. i’m gona have a lot of fun shoveling. (yea rite).
to tailgate the salt trucks and pass them on either side whenever you get the chance and do so going as fast as you possibly can. thank you!
Get gr8 with blades
Hope theres School Sunday and Monday
Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait!!! I love snow!!!!!! I wonder if there will be school on monday. (Hope not).
Yes, don’t park on the street. I am sure this will be as highly followed as driving on cell phones, using seat belts and child seats, or parking in the fire lanes at BMG. There are many a deaf ear in this town…
must be the global warming from all the trees cut down in lakewood.
If you see a sign that says “No Parking During Snow Removal” and you park there you are giving up your right to park there..and deserve to be towed. Those signs are there for a reason, if there is an emergency and those vehicles can not get through, you make our jobs harder by parking there, and ultimately clearing the streets of snow and ice
You gotta love lakewood at a time like this, you should check out cleveland and see what they get every year, and they just go on with their life, over here, everything stops, over just a couple of inches of snow!!! Love it!!! Well, enjoy the snow everyone!!
i say were getting 18″+ ull seee…..ys
S/one asks u to park in ur driveway. Then the plow comes & does the new curb-to-curb cleanup. Problem is, the plowdrivers can’t actually see the actual curb under all that snow. So they bump it. Gently. Or not so gently. Bottom line: every street in my neighborhood has broken curbs. I say, leave ur car on the street. Let them plow the middle, u shovel the rest.
One of the reasons why I live in Israel. The sun is shining an and it’s a nice 65 degrees out side.
does anybody know wat time its supposed to start?
Is It Gonna Be This Weather (Snow Storm) Throughout The Whole NJ, Or Just In Central Jersey. . . ?
Can’t wait to see all the guys who think there smart and still drive and then get stuck
what happened to the snow Accu weather says its meant to be snowing already are we really getting it?????????
Color war
Attn: Brookhill residents please do not park on the street even if you have to let your tennant share your driveway. we want our streets plowed!
n I don’t see notin, just a ltlle flurry, chill everyone will ya?
For all those of you who think its ok to drive with 8 inches on the ground and get stuck, chaveyrim will be around to bail you out!
What schools are closed tomorrow?