The National Weather Service is predicting 2-4 inches of snow for Lakewood tonight and tomorrow. The Liaison to the DPW, Township Committeeman Ray Coles tells TLS the DPW has crews and salt trucks ready to go should it be necessary.
Coles says it’s expensive to get them out there, so “We want to make sure it’s absolutely necessary.”
If there is little accumulation, the trucks will not run, Coles says.
UPDATE 9 PM: Lakewood already got approximately 5 inches of snow, and it doesn’t appear to be letting up any time soon.
County plow trucks were seen salting County roads, though Township trucks were not yet dispatched.
UPDATE 10:15 PM: NWS: Snow Accumulation For Lakewood Now Estimated At 4-6 Inches.
In one incident, two women were trapped in their car after live primary wires fell down around their vehicle. JCPL was called in to shut the power so the women could emerge from their vehicle.
UPDATE 9:22 AM: Over 10,000 in Lakewood are now without power.
UPDATE 4:05 PM: Power restored to about 5,000 residents. About 5,500 remain without power.
JCP&L website says abt 215 thousand without power in nj!!
from the jcpl website
Customers Affected: 8,127
Customers Served: 28,679
%Customers Affected: 28%
How about Country Place? Worried about my mother-in-law.
Does anyone know if there’s school Tom. Or bussing? Or 90 min. Delays?
Are schools open tom??
Finally seeing some township plow trucks!
Beacon Ridge still going strong, Hashem should help further….
Where are the plows!? U always have to be ready for snow!!
Call the shviger and find out.
Any body know when central/westgate area supposed to go back on?
high street still has juice and Hashem shud helpthru out the night
i passed county place ..( not the street the neighbor hood) at 930 and they still had power
presidential, sterling place, regency estates, chateau park, chesterfield, chestnut, todd plaza and lakewood commons are the places i’m aware of that are down, probably many more!
Does pine street area have power?
New England Village is out. Just called JCP&L to report it. I hope it comes back on soon 🙁 Countyline Manor is still on, B”H.
I hope there’s no school tomorrow!!!! I really want to spend the day with kids playing in the snow!
This storm is not over yet and we have over 9in!!!!! 2 historic storms in one week!!…..and obama again…
Mashiach is kumin!!!
There is no electric service on New Egypt Road. It went out at some point after 10 pm on November 7th. Optimum cable tv service had gone out at 7:25 pm. I just got done calling in the outages to the companies. Everyone else without service should do the same. Good thing I took a shower yesterday.
4am still dark & cold
Important Message:
To all that have eruv strings weighed down by snow- rattle pole or hit string with stick so snow falls off & save lines from destruction.
does anyone know if there is bussing or school
Joe parker raintree out since 6 pm yesterday any they just got power back from sandy, poor souls
no bussing some schools are open some are not
Buses not running. Most schools cancelled
Schools are opened –no busses
I deleted all the data from so that we can start using it for this week. I was hoping we wouldn’t need it again, but seeing that so many (including myself) lost power, maybe some people out there can make use of it.
I didn’t read all the posts because they were mostly complaints about JCP&L’s incompetence. Well, I don’t think that it’s their fault that there was such a storm with heavy snow that caused wires and trees to come down. So just stop blaming them. They are doing as best as they can. Do you want to work out there in this kind of weather? Even if they already fixed the power after the last storm, it wasn’t in their hands that the power went out again in various neighborhoods. I am sure they didn’t want this to happen as much as we didn’t. I have more branches lying around my yard now than after Sandy. The heavy wet snow was worse than the wind.
The other day when DPW was removing trees everybody was saying good things about them.Today everybody’s complaining,my street is a mess but I know they are going to come by later on.Also don’t complaint about the DPW workers,they can’t go out unless they get da ok.And 99% of the time the ok comes from the municipal building.If you guys want to complaint call the mayor or the supervisors at DPW.I dont see nobody here complaining about the mayor or the supervisors,shame on you.DPW workers,you are the best and keep doing what you guys are doing.We know that you guys care.
super stop on cedar bridge is open, BH! I don’t know what I’d do without them! I did my shabbos shopping this morning!
Carol st no power
#18, dont be swayed by silly comments in this forum. The negativity that you see are not at all reflective of the general population in Lakewood. They reflect the demographic that has time to sit and complain on this blog only and that is a VAST minority!
this will help all of you feel better about not having power. Not only do I not have power, but also no water an no heat. not even a toilet to flush (well works on electricity). we collect snow and put it in our soup pots and boil it on our stove and then throw it into our bath tub. we then take the cover off of our toilet tank, flush the toilet handle, and refill the tank with the water (melted from snow) in the tub. Thats how we prepare for the next person flush. For all of you without power and heat, be grateful you have water
5th and lex. just lost power
No power again help!
ANyone know which grocery stores are open? Wanna shop for shabbos since my kids without power will be coming to me. At least I still have power, B”H, but would love to know where I can shop for Shabbos food.
shouldn’t there be a new post about places for ppl. to go for shabbos?
Funny. I didn’t read that many complaints on this particular entry yet people are giving us muss at without even reading any of the comments.
Hey TLS editor. How about a shout out entry where we can express our thanks to the many public servants , volunteers, and utility workers who just had what may have been the roughest week in their career? I am sure there are many grateful people in this town who would like to express their admiration and appreciation for all these hard working individuals! ?
i want to thank JCP&L for letting us in the cold for several days for making our lives miserable. Because every time my kids ask me for something to eat I have to say sorry we don’t have it.
“Free advice” We all commend the public servants. it is the people that are teh private servants that we are annoyed with…..
Lakewood plows did a great job in Raintree. Curb to curb snow clearing before noon today. Thank you to Lakewood DPW. You guys are hanging in there through all these storms!
Accoring to JCPL site, most of Lakewood will have power by tomorrow evening and the rest by Motzei Shabbos.
Per their website about 2500 customers had their power restored sometime today. About 8000 to go.
Now down to 6,074 without power. Things are picking up!!
When you see a JCPL crew or any outside contractors, give them the thumbs up or offer them a drink. Although we are the ones without power, thy are the ones that are bing overworked and can be suffering from sever defciencies in their moral. Picking up their moral may speed up their work!
why not make a new topic about ?
my sons had no yeshiva today and they were a big help with my playgroup. everything has a bright side!
Down to 5,518! Man! I am doing a better job at updating the people then TLS! lol!
please everybody look at your bills this month, they probably are charging based on an estimate to your previous months -so they pocket more until they do an actual read.
Anyone have an extra generator to lend till power comes back? 732-575-8489. [email protected]
Anyone know if squankem rd to & from I195 is cleared???
Presidential power back on! thanks jcp&l!
Anyone know if chestnut area has power?
I’ve cleared all the listings from so that we can use it for this shabbos as well. Please, post your available rooms if you have power. Thanks!!
Parts of Westgate just went on!!! Boruch Hashem!!
is spruce on yet?
sunset and james has power!!!
Sunset & James is back on.
Parts of westgate is up ,
Albert ave back up thanks jcpl and the crew from Tampa you guys were real courteous and quick!! Great job.
Does Chateau Park have power yet?
Listen: We were spared during Sandy but last night’s storm slammed the daylights out of our block.
We spoke with JCP&L and instead of griping about “Why weren’t you here 5 minutes ago???” or “All you guys do is drive around but don’t fix anything!!!” yada-yada, we thanked them! We told them that we appreciated the fact that they traveled from as far away as Alabama, Florida and Ohio! And do you know what? They are currently working on restoring our power before Shabbos! Remember: A Ounce of Honey is Worth More than a Pound of Salt. Show your appreciation, JCP&L WILL – and ANYONE – reciprocate.
Whic part of westgate is back up the shul and stores side or the other?
Parts of Daniel Rd still out all the surrounding areas on, hope they didn’t forget us.
B”h just got power back!
Clifton Avenue remains without power since hurricane Sandy, Any one knows what’s the hold up…. Pls Helppppp!!!!
BH back home with power. Just called JCP&L to thank them for working hard to get our power back up and she was flabbergasted – “that’s probably the sweetest phone call we’ve gotten today”!
A short phone call of appreciation can go a long way in making a Kiddush Hashem.
The store side in westgate is on. I’m just waiting for the other side now. BH I hope it will be soon
sunset and James has power!!!
Does the streets outside WG (ie: van buren, gudz) have
chateau has power back
I can’t understand this! Every other town has power and no snow! What’s going on in Lakewood? No other town has any problems, just Lakewood. No wonder we complain so bitterly and often!
What is the lesson of all this?
Help it’s night number 2 still now power I have no relatives locally and my wife feels uncomfortable to go to strangers! My kids are all sleeping on the floor together bundled up we can’t take it anymore!!!!
central no power
No power parts 14th going bananas.
FroZen ice is my family
Please anybody with generater to lend leave numbers for those frozen families.
anyone know what’s going on with electricity on clifton ave??? we have no power since last wk monday! anybody have a clue what’s holding it up?
Power was restored on New Egypt Road at 5:45 pm on November 8th. The temperature in my house was 54 degrees at the time, and I had planned to sleep inside my minus 20 degree sleeping bag for the night. It was so good when the heat came back on. I still have no Optimum cable tv service though.
We’ve been out of power since the beginning if Sandy! Except for being turned in for a couple of hours this week. Has anyone else been out so long?
It may be good idea for the mayor to at least post basic projected times of repair for areas slated to be repaired today. It would certainly go a long way in helping residents decide if they will be home or away for Shabbos!
There still families frozen and have to make shabos please anyone that has a generater to lend please list ur numbers. And numbers to cheap electricians that can hook them up. Ty. Mi kiamcha yisroel.
Van Buren, Gudz, and that entire area are still without power.
Basically from Regent Drive on Central Ave going west are all without electricity.
To Can’t Understand-/ all that have to say is “You can’t be serious?”
Only Lakewood is having trouble??
Wow, talk about not having any knowledge of the world around you!!
Question= why is new central area always first to go out and last to go on?
Why does the Lakewood Scoop list their comments, from first to last instead of last to first like any other site… it’s annoying to see old comments that are no longer relevant appear right under the article.. it requires the reader to scroll to the end of the page and then read the comments backwards… common sense??