Following last night’s massive Asifa, many are looking into the option of taking out a Kosher phone. This week, Lakewood Beepers – One of the only Kosher Phone companies in the U.S. – is offering Free Kosher Phones.
Their phones are set up to be 100 % kosher, Lakewood Beepers says.
“While other companies sell kosher phones that merely have blocks on there phones, at Lakewood Beepers, the actual plan itself is specialize to be Kosher, no text and no Internet. This eliminates the problem where children could switch their plans to new phones and thereby have full Internet and texting capabilities. While various companies sell kosher phones, Lakewood Beepers is the only phone company that actually created a kosher plan especially for frum customers who want to follow the direction of the gedolim.”
The company adds, “Lakewood Beepers recently received brochas for all its customers from today’s Gedolim. Those who gives up text messages and gets a Kosher Phone. Harav Rosenblum, Rosh Yehsiva Shararei Yosher, stated that they will have the beracha of parnassah!”
“Harav Shmuel Kamentsky, Rosh Yeshiva of Philadelphia, stated they will have lots of Beracha and Hatzlacha. The Skulener Rebbe Shlita , There will have a kli Shemahazik Beracha, there will be no harm and destruction , Only Beracha.”
There are various plans to meet the needs of each cell phone user.
“For those who use their phones often, an unlimited plan is offered for just $40 a month. And for the small talkers there’s just a right plan for $10 a month for 250 min. Other plans also available.”
“To sweeten the deal, right now, Lakewood Beepers is Offering the phone free. Absolutely free! These phones are valued at $99.”
Many rabbonim back Lakewood Beepers’ efforts to bring kosher phones to widespread use in the frum community.
“Those who require email services can obtain phones from Lakewood Beepers as well. A specialized phone with email access but no Internet capability is available.”
“In the words of Harav Aharon Schecther, the addiction to text messaging is worse than drugs, and it must be stopped!”
Lakewood Beepers can be reached at 732-961-1965 . They are located at 209 Second Street. (across from Ferster’s Hats). They ship nationwide and are open extra late hours. TLS.
What’s wrong with text messaging? Worse then drugs?
Can we please hear a reason?
To #1 Read it cearfully ,the addiction to text message- addiction.
Wow! Lakewood Beepers you are the BEST! Giving out free phones , I better call them now .keep up your great work!
May 21, 2012 at 7:58 am
The eve of Rosh Chodesh Sivan today
I’m going to pray at the tomb
“Shal”h Hkados” in Tiberias
It’s a good time to pray for the boys education
Who wants to remind him to send me email names
[email protected]
ערב ראש חודש סיוון היום
אני הולך להתפלל על קבר
“Shal” H Hkados “בטבריה
זה זמן טוב להתפלל על חינוך ילדים
מי רוצה להזכיר לו לשלוח לי שמות דואר אלקטרוני
[email protected]
i just have a plain phone , does it mean its kosher im catholic ??
I would love to switch over but my cancelation fee is $700 (have two phones – family plan). Any suggestions, anybody?
#6..tell them your switching to kosher..your laws don’t apply..
#6 what company are u with? Usually the fee is $175-the most $200. 2 phones y $700.
I’m with sprint. The cancelation fee for smartphones (not basic) within the first few months of the contract (I just started 4 months ago) is 350 per phone. Look it up.
#1 I agree. Text messaging… worse than drugs?? how can you honestly in your right mind say that? Have you ever been willing to do anything to send out a text??? To destroy your marriage? To spend every last penny you had on texting? To lick the bottom of someones shoe just to send a text? When I was on drugs I stole, cheated, lied, and pretty much did all those things just to get my fix. Could u honestly say you would rather your son or daughter to be addicted to drugs than to texting?? I agree that texting can potentially be bad, but to have the chutzpa to say that texting is worse than drugs ?? How about you hang out near/with a drug addict for a few minutes and say the same thing. Its a good thing what lakewood beepers is doing just please watch what you say. one little comment has the potential to hurt someone so much.
#10 lkwd Beepers did not say its worse. One of gedolim said it , there must be meaning to it that we can’t understand.
#10Read thestatement again very carefuly. The quote was from a Gadol discuss it with him and not give mussar on line.