Two Bachurim walking home after the Seudah last night were cursed at and chased by residents of a home that has been trouble in the past, TLS has learned.
At about 10:30 PM last night, the approximately 20-year-old Bachurim were walking along Ridge Avenue when the hear shouting at them “get the (moderated) out of our neighborhood you filthy pigs” and other names, their host told TLS.
The Bachurim continued walking, but then three black men began running towards them, and then began chasing them when as the ran away. The Bachurim ran for approximately one block until they left them alone. At that point, the Bachurim asked a passing driver to phone police.
Last year, a Yungerman walking with his wife past the same home was pepper sprayed and attacked in an attempted robbery.
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Cops have no time to deal with serious issues like this Because they are busy pulling people over for small traffic infractions (which of course need at least two cops) and the rest ate responding to accident caused by the many distracted drivers
What is the address of this home?
Adress please? I want to avoid walking by on Friday nights.
You can OPRAH request the file from the twp if you want the address. JUst aks for police calls on Friday night and it will be in there.
Why run from them? i don’t want to encourage anyone to engage in conflict. But it is fun to put them in their place, and turn the tables.
Who is the landlord who rent to this trash?
Lets publicize it and maybe with some public shame, they’ll give a hoot who they rent to.
Hey Mo maybe if the people of Lakewood learned how to drive the police wouldn’t have to “waste”their time on pulling them over. Then maybe they could deal with serious issues
Could someone from the ridge area please post approximate address, for the safety of other walkers. Thanks
Please stop bashing Lakewood drivers in this forum. I was just in New York City, and that makes the Lakewood drivers look positively like gentlemen (and ladies, of course)!
With all do respect I’ve didn’t a lot of time in Lakewood and it may b true that these cops spend a lot of time pulling people over but what you don’t know is 2 things first is that a lot of traffic stops lead to arrests of ruthless criminals Also if cops wouldn’t b pulling people over you people wouldn’t think for a second before going 100 mph down the 9 which would only cause more accidents BC unfortunately a lot of people here don’t know how to drive!!
These guys must be asked, nicely, to please leave these premises. If not, the US army has some extra Howitzers sitting around with no real purpose. Maybe we can borrow them for a few !!
Care to identify who’s you people?
The address needs to be posted the sesecret it is public record. We should demand police presence on Friday night.
you really cant blame these men for chasing people they really grew up with a disadvantage,the truth is the government probably paid for there ,Housing ,food, education ,healthcare, cell phone but are really think thats not enough ,they also deserve paid vacations (Flordia Etc..)fancy clothing and of course shoes ,a paid car .dont they also deserve this?,maybe we should write to Washington D.C that all lives matter and we should buy them everything they want ,am sure Mr Obama can print money for them ,Any comments out there??
Someone pls get the address it’s important to everyone to avoid the area … there is no point in posting this news if u won’t tell us where
Get rlthe address and forward it to the Jdl. They will teach them nice lesson.
these people are not going to “learn a lesson”. if they were interested in learning anything, they would have finished school and had jobs and then their lives would really matter
To newcomer: believe me they will undetstand the very important lesson the JDL will impart to them!
Thank you LPD. You guys always do a great job. Those that are bashing don’t understand that the LPD can’t be everywhere at all times!!!