Lakewood Area Businesses Hurting as Many Workers Stay Home Today in Protest of Trump’s Immigration Policies

Many Lakewood area businesses are struggling to fill orders or meet demand today, as many local workers have not showed up to work today in protest of President Trump’s immigration policies, business-owners tell TLS.

The employees are taking part in what has been dubbed a “Day Without Immigrants,” – a social media-driven campaign that calls on immigrants to stay home from work and school and to shut down businesses and refrain from shopping.

The strike is affecting many industries, including construction, food and dozens of other services.


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    • Harry listen to yourself would you say the same thing to a Jewish family? And what if all of sudden YOU were sent back what would you do? It’s people who act like this that causes diversity everyone is human.

  1. In the 80’s Reagan cracked down on immigration. However,the first thing he did, thru an application process, was grant amnesty to those who were working and never got into trouble with the law and had been in this country for 5 years. Too bad Trump didn’t follow his policy.

      • That actually won’t be too much of a bad thing. Maybe some of them will start working on the books and paying some taxes instead of just taking from the taxpayer.

        • There are enough unemployed to do the jobs, and are already getting benefits. There’s no need to expand the number of people collecting benefits. It’s not like we can afford what we have already.

    • Good point. The difference is Reagan was Reagan. An ex-actor, a humanitarian, a well liked person by the entire country. He was the last of the Mohicans. He didn’t have to deal with as many illegals as Trump does either. I definitely agree with your Reagan idea, If Trump could pull that off it would be a miracle.

  2. I can not believe Lakewood scoop allows such racism. Shame on all of you. Fyi, i just took a screen shot of this and i will post it to social media.

    • The Lakewood community is more than 100,000 people. I honestly believe that at least 20,000 people at least read this article.
      So let us do the math.
      19,995 people chose to keep quiet and 5 people made a comment that was not fair and definitely not befitting the true children of God.
      Those 5 people don’t represent the Jewish nation.
      The 19,995 people who chose to keep quiet and are constantly praying for the good health of all of us non-Jewish and Jewish all of us wonderful human beings that we should all merit exceptional health and God should protect all of us no matter what your religion is.

      • We aren’t adherents to the Woke religion, thank you very much. Illegal immigrants need to go home. You come in through the door, you are welcomed with open arms. You come in though the window in the middle of the night? That’s on you. Adios.

    • You come here to the LS for all sorts of nonsense. But this, how could they say this??? Let’s bully everyone in to doing what we want! It doesn’t matter that some people will experience discomfort or annoyances while the place gets cleaned up…

  3. This is happening all over the country. For the record, not all the people staying home are immigrants. They are American born and want to show that we actually need immigrant help in this country. There are many jobs immigrants do that Americans won’t or don’t want to do. Everyone except the indigenous people are immigrants. Also just like there are good and bad cops, teachers, doctors etc there are good and bad immigrants. Please think of the good people and not the bad people.

  4. Have all the businesses closed up for good? Are they all going out of business, because they can no longer higher criminal illegals? I suspect they haven’t and won’t.

  5. As Yidden in Golus, it behooves us to be more sympathetic to the plight of these foreigners. And not only because they are our blue-collar labor and domestic workers. Because we have been nirdafim and lived in fear. These people’s whole lives stand to be upended. their dreams for a future with educational and opportunity is very threatened. Laken Riley’s murderer was an exception. Go to Harlem and you will find lots of homegrown vicious murderers too that halevay could be deported…

    • You are wrong. they are all criminals and illegals. no different then if you committed a federal offense. if you committed a federal offense, do you think we should all say that it’s ok? No. That’s not the way of the world. there are laws. if you violate the law you need to be prosecuted. See the mishna in pirkei Avos, if there’s no fear of government, humanity falls apart. fear of government means fear of the law.

      • You say that about a country where salvery was once legal,and if they ran away were subject to death.Just because it’s a law doesn’t mean it’s humane.

  6. The title should read “Illegal Aliens”. The President is not deporting immigrants from other countries who have entered Anerica legally; there is a huge difference between the two. The greedy business owners who are now suffering because they hired cheap, illegal workers are just reaping what they sowed. Stay home….prove that America will sustain without you. Oh and last time I checked “Illegal Aliens” are not a protected class.

    • correct last I checked my grandparents came in through Ellis Island legally. It has nothing to do with ethnicity, rather with showing up through the process called immigration

  7. Illegally entering this country is a misdemeanor. Let’s not forget that we were once strangers in a strange land. So much for historical empathy.

    • Wrong. My ancestors came here through Ellis Island. Not in a crate in the back of a truck. Nor did they come through anything but a legal port of entry. These aren’t strangers, they are all criminals who have committed a felony.

        • Wrong. They were strip searched, examined for every disease known to mankind. Only then were they allowed to enter the main land if they had someone who agreed to sponsor them. These people never applied for anything. Please don’t compare my ancestors who were threatened with gas chambers to someone who travelled on their own half way around the world.

    • Hey buddy, let’s not either forget to what happened to those who tried to get into this country illegally during World war II and were sent back to their deaths in Europe!!!


    • Oh my gosh. the world is coming to an end. I might actually have to wash the dishes myself. Or maybe clean a toilet. Big deal. Stop thinking az es koompt mich. Start thinking that you need to take care of yourself.

    • And Hashem is going to use the year ‘2025’ when he asks what happenend then???
      Please enlighten us where the number ‘2025’ came from. Is this some yiddishe date that we are not familliar with, ZADIK?

  9. Guess what? Did you think about this?

    Employers are required to refuse to hire, or terminate, an undocumented worker once they have authoritative evidence that they do not have valid work authorization. Federal law makes it illegal for employers to knowingly hire or continue to employ undocumented workers. Fines range from $250 to $10,000 per illegal employee. Title 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(a)(1)(A)

    Over 10,000 employers are already going through the “Notice of Inspection” which can lead to civil fines and/or criminal prosecution of owners, management and HR.
    Be prepared for an ICE and DHS audits and through the roof legal fees.

  10. Even though I think the illegal aliens should be sent back to where they came from ASAP, I respect them for the way they made their point.
    It was not violent, and to my knowledge not done with disrespect.

  11. If the Trump admin ends up deporting non-criminal illegal immigrants, it will without doubt have a catastrophic impact on the Lakewood economy. Trying to deny this is simply delusional.

    It would also be really stupid policy. Yes, the rule of law is vitally important, but if he actually manages to deport the gangs and criminals while halting future illegal migrants from entering, it will be more than enough to establish the rule of law without forcing misery upon masses of immigrant families and forcing the prices up on most labor sectors.
    Simply put: yes, we need them. Stop pretending otherwise.

    A path to citizenship, once our borders are completely secure, is the only reasonable way forward, and it’ll be a boon for taxes and the economy. This country will only gain.

    Can someone please enlighten me what exactly we gain by deporting them? I’m conservative too, but stop adopting every Trump admin policy as halacha. If you agree with every single policy of any world leader, you probably need to start thinking for yourself.

    I’ve heard some argue that “they’re taking our jobs” (incidentally, the very same excuse used by many countries to expel their Jews and/or limit the industries they’re allowed to work in…), but we all know that there are far too few Americans who would be interested in their jobs, let alone for that kind of salary.

    Moreover, even if you disagree and have some argument for why it is vitally important to deport them, you should at the very least feel sorry for them.
    If the prospect of deporting families to miserable circumstances exhilarates you…. Dunno, it just sounds quite evil and the antithesis to Torah hashkafa and decency. Or am I missing something here?

    • “it one also be a really stupid policy”
      “I’m conservative too”
      “Far too few Americans would be interested in their jobs”
      Blah blah blah! Your post is too hypocritical and long to comment on!
      Although, maybe if some people in this country would stop getting handouts – they may be willing to get off their tukkasses and do something useful with their lives.

    • Poor you. You might actually have to wash your own dishes. Or do your own laundry. Sorry buddy, I don’t feel bad for you in the least. Nothing will happen if you cleaned the toilet. i promise that won’t be the cause of any person dying. The argument is total nonsense and laziness. There are plenty of welfare recipients who can do these jobs, but choose not to work. Why don’t they work, because people like you decided to pay them to sit at home and hire criminal illegals to do the same work. There’s no halacha that makes this mutar.

  12. Pur parents,grandparents, great grandparents and even great great grandparents came to America legally.

    They had to learn English. That is the language of the United States of America. They paid taxes on the books. Like we do.

    Our taxes are high and healthcare in shambles as every public school must accept any child regardless of being illegal or not at any age prek-12 and provide them with education including speaking in Spanish. Why?.
    English is the language of this country. We citizens born or arrived legally do not get much services from the funding allocated in NJ as its based only on the amount of students in public school. It’s a broken system. The lakewood boe should be shut down and state funding for the 50k provate students should go to them. The 4-5k students in public school can be serviced by a charter school assuming they are even actually living in Lakewood. Not all live in Lakewood. Some drop their kids off at a bus stop and parents work locally. That is not legal right for getting educated in Lakewood even by current law.

    Regarding healthcare the system is crashing for years and now even more due to so many illegal people getting services. We who pay taxes or are legal are losing our healthcare access and it’s becoming unaffordable for those working. A family with blue cross today will pay 40k to be covered and that for in network only policy.

    It’s time to take 50k students, enroll them at Lakewood boe and see how that works. The main language Hebrew. With required prayers and kosher food. The classes would be split male.female because otherwise no one would attend.

    Hard working seniors are not getting the Healthcare they deserve not in the hospital or at home. Not enough nursing staff or coverage.

    Illegal immigrants get better benefits then seniors and veterans. This has to be fixed

    • USA does not have an official language at the federal level.
      You could take 50k students to public school but religious books are not allow.
      Health care system is crashing yes. There is people trying to get over the counter medicine prescribed by the dr so it can be cover by insurance.

    • First you say that English is the language of this country. Then you say enroll the private kids at BOE and their language will be Hebrew?

      There won’t be religious texts, kosher food, or segregated buses/ classrooms, as is dictated by public education. But their kallah classes will be covered in great detail at age 14.

      Healthcare- you blame immigrants, but it’s really insurance CEOs making $23m (350x their employees salary) to deny claims.

      Housing/ schooling- high prices aren’t by immigrants buying, but by investors or by people from Boro Park. Similarly, EVERY public school student gets a seat, regardless of status. No panicking that your daughter hasn’t been accepted a week before high school.

  13. My ancestors came to this country legally. Where exactly in the Torah does it say that we have the right to aid and abet people here illegally in violation of the laws of this great country in which we live? Every single person in this country illegally cheapens the sacrifices our ancestors made to come here and become citizens. there is no RIGHT to invade this country because your own country is poor or corrupt. Any American Jew who harbors or employs illegal aliens is in violation of US Law and TORAH LAW. This is NOT racist, this is NOT controversial, it is a fact. You don’t want your illegal cleaner who is paying debts back to the cartels for her illegal entry? too bad. there are plenty of legal Americans and visa holders who will do a better job who need that work. Same goes for food service workers. When we grew up, those jobs were a way for kids to make extra money and learn about work ethic. Time to return to that way.

      • These people aren’t having their lives threatened. They are making a choice based on the allowances of the Liberal Democrats and their policies. if it was really that deathly dangerous, trump being President would have zero affect on them. yet they chose not to come during Trump 1, but during Biden open door and indifference to criminality, they came by the millions. Stick to realities not theories.

    • Out of 9000 counts of hiring illegal immigrants they were able to prove a grand total of…. 0! Better to keep your foolishness to yourself and people might think your IQ is single digits, than to share it on the Scoop and remove all doubt.

  14. Trump won Lakewood by a landslides so nobody can complaint that this is happening when when he ran on a platform cracking down on illegal immigration

  15. There are 4 divisions of Judaism now – Reform, Conservative , Orthodox and Trumpism.

    Anything Trump says or does is Toras Emes for the Trumpists.

    Illegal immigrants is just an example of a section of people that Trump loves to hurt. The shutting down of USAID to foreign countries is another group of millions of people that Trump is hurting. US Government workers, military members, Americans who need healthcare , people who do business with Canada , the stock market ,regular Americans who will see prices skyrocket etc … are all fair game to cause pain and grief.

    • Hay, pathetic! Don’t make this sound like Trump is just trying to hurt people because he likes the way it feels. You can’t be an idiot who never wants to do harm to anyone and get anywhere in life. This is not about harming immigrants, this is about having the guts and courage to make smart decisions that may be on popular with some people. By just speaking out against these kind of things you’re showing your silly liberal attitudes. Most people with common sense would agree then liberalism – at least the extreme that it’s become in this country – is just plain old rishus.

  16. Most undocumented migrants come to the U.S. because they face extreme poverty and unsafe conditions in their home countries. It’s hard to understand how anyone can ignore their struggle—don’t you think we should feel compassion for them? If the process to come here legally were easier or more affordable, they would. But the truth is, it’s an expensive and difficult process. Many are forced to migrate simply out of desperation. Imagine if your child was sick and you couldn’t afford the medication needed to save their life—wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to help them?

    Contrary to what some might believe, undocumented migrants are not eligible for free healthcare or social services. You need a Social Security number for that. They aren’t taking resources from you—in fact, they contribute greatly through their work. Many of them take on low-wage, essential jobs that help keep the economy running. Yet, instead of recognizing the hardships they face, some people want to send them back to situations where they may face danger or even death. How does that make sense?

    It’s also important to note that statistically, undocumented migrants are less likely to commit crimes compared to the general population, so the fear around that issue is largely unfounded. And here’s something to consider: undocumented migrants paid over $96 billion in taxes last year alone, without receiving any government assistance in return.

    If you find yourself taking joy in others’ suffering, it might be time to reflect. We are taught that Yetzer lev ha’adam rah mi’neurav—the inclination of a person’s heart is evil from their youth. We all have a responsibility to work on our empathy and kindness. Ahavas chinam—the love of others without expecting anything in return—is a value that transcends borders, nationalities, and even religions. It’s worth considering how we can show more of that love, especially to those who may be suffering.

    • Hey Reb Yid!
      In your first paragraph you’re just spewing misguided righteousness. You’re missing the point – most people who support Trump’s immigration policies don’t hate immigrants – that’s not what this is about.
      In your second paragraph you talk about how they are not eligible for government handouts, they do really hard work, and they help the economy… Most of what you’re spewing here is untrue or is irrelevant. They may not be eligible for all government and outs that citizens get but they definitely take quite a bit of resources either directly or undirectly. That’s also why they sometimes magnate to large cities where they get free housing as well. Not to mention that their children born here become automatic citizens (an old law from the slavery era that makes absolutely no sense). You also spew about how they commit less crime than everyone else. It maybe true uncertain cases and types of crime but they actually commit many smaller crimes by just being undocumented – including things like not getting proper driver’s license, car registration or driver’s insurance. Just ask somebody who has gotten into an accident with an illegal if they ever saw a penny from them….
      As far as what you claim that people who support this “take joy in other people’s suffering”. Save your mussar schmooze (or you’re spewing of nonsense) for some other time.

    • Yes extreme poverty yet they can get from Venezuela to America. Stick to facts rather then some bogus sob story. You claim statistically undocumented are criminals. They are all criminals. The translation of undocumented, is criminal. A documented person is someone that it’s known who they are. These people can have multiple identities.

  17. If the illegals were not here then we would be paying more money to get Americans to work, maybe double what we are paying now.

    On the other hand, unemployment would be nil, because of all the currently unemployed would find work in the positions vacated by the illegals. Our local tax bills would be slashed because our schools would be emptied of non-tax-paying families’ children. Our healthcare costs would plummet and the shortage of healthcare workers would evaporate, as non-tax-paying patients would vanish from the hospitals.

  18. 4 divisions of Judaism!!! I think you expressed it so well. Sad to see how some of our people have lost their ability to think and will follow whatever Trump says.
    I voted for him, but does not mean I think he is God’s gift to mankind. Better than Harris/Biden, but that’s not really saying much

    • I really wonder how Avrohom Avinu would have responded when everyone in Sedom told him “But it’s the law and what they are doing is illegal! “.

      Every German in 1941 could say the same thing.

      Immoral actions that a country makes legal does not make them moral.

      • Hay dude!
        What’s your point? You’re going to start saying that anything you don’t like is like Nazi Germany or Sedom??
        This has nothing to do with cruelty versus compassion…. Read my above posts – this is plain old misguided righteousness. If you don’t see that, knock your head against the wall a few times and try again.

    • You’re so pathetic! This is not about idolizing Trump! As a matter of fact this is exactly what the left hopes to accomplish – they can’t win on policy alone so they need to smear the guy on the right as much as possible. “He’s so mean, he’s so incompassionate, he’s so silly”…. Until fools like you actually start believing it.
      Just a little bit of trivia – how many civilians are there in Gaza?

    • We are all thinking. Though it appears you aren’t thinking or are incapable of thinking. These people are all criminals. there is nothing under American law that makes them ok to be here. Nor is there anything from a torah perspective that makes their presence in America ok.

  19. Lakewood Area Housewives Are Hurting As Many Husbands Are Loitering & Hanging Around the House In Protest of Trump’s Immigration Policies
    Many area Housewives are struggling today because their husbands have been loitering and hanging around the house all day long – instead of showing up to work – as their husbands eagerly protest President Trump’s immigration policies.
    “The hours between 9 AM and 5 PM are typically my favorite hours of the day,” said 33-year-old Lakewood housewife, Sally Sherman, “because, during those hours, my husband is usually at work, where he is unable to bug the daylights out of me and where he is lacking the ability to zap every last ounce of energy out of me!”
    “However, due to today’s anti-Trump protest,” Ms. Sherman said, “Larry’s been hanging around the house all day long, making loud noises, pacing the floors, and ruining what is typically my favorite time of day, the 9 AM to 5 PM hours, which I have gleefully dubbed, ‘The Larry-Free Time Of The Day’.”
    Many Lakewood employees today are taking part in the anti-Trump protest that has been dubbed: ‘A Day At Home With Lots Of Downtime And Plenty of Time To Make My Wife Crazy!’
    The ‘Day At Home’ protest is affecting many local housewives, including Sally and her close friends, Emily, Margaret and Elizabeth, and the two ladies who live across the street.

  20. A migrant is a person who moves to a country other than his or her own to settle there. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) defines a migrant as anyone who moves away from his or her place of habitual residence.
    Migrants can be temporary or permanent, and can move within a country or across an international border.

    In short, all legally or illegally are immigrants and the only North Americans are the native Indians. Many arrive legally and stay longer than the permitted time and become immigrants without status or illegal, but not all are criminals and yes, they are based on the laws and many Jews have also committed crimes, but these are things that are said to me because of double moral ethics or they simply hide behind the Torah.

    • Incorrect assessment. Crossing into a country without permission is a crime according to all. Even if what you say is accurate and Jews came here illegally, provide evidence before accusing your fellow Jews of being criminals. No one is hiding behind the torah.

  21. Humor aside, as an Orthodox yid we should not have short memories and understand that refugees don’t choose to be hunted. Even the most upstanding citizens, or helpless women or children, must sometimes drop everything and run away to save their skin as we very well know from the thousands of holocaust stories of people crossing borders illegally.

    So perhaps THE FOLLOWING SOLUTION would solve everyone’s issue:

    Don’t just dump them back in the dangerous zones of their home country, rather in a containment center setup and managed in their countries by their own government. Then allow a system of application and vetting be setup, especially for those related and sponsored by actual US citizens. We take the good guys and reject the others.

    And then we change the name of ICE to NICE. 🙂

    • If they were so poor, how did they cover the cost of travelling from Venezuela all the way to America? they claim to have walked for days on end with no food or water. Have you seen what some of these claimants look like? Some of them couldn’t make the walk from your dining room to your kitchen. Others are known criminals. Another difference between our ancestors is that we came and moved in with each other. Took care of each other. We didn’t turn to the government for freebies. The lower east side turned 3 bedroom apartments into 3-4 family homes.

  22. Yid – IDK about NJ, but a few States they do get free Government services.
    Stop worrying about your Cleaning lady. Either do it yourself or hire legal ones.
    I’m old enough that I remember a certain group was E/O’s cleaning help. There is No excuse that e/o Needs Illegal help.
    Either people come here legally or stay in your own country!

    Stop making your own Torah because it’s convenient for yourself!

  23. Yidden – this is not our debate. Hashem expects you to be kind to every person you interact with, and leave the policymaking to the government.

    • We definitely don’t want to be the ones making the noise, but we are definitely fully behind these policies that need to be done. This is a policy that may not be popular with everyone but the majority of the country, not just orthodox Jews, support….

    • Ok. When someone puts a gun to your head be so kind and turn over ownership of your house to him. Give the 2 legged animal your wife and daughters as well. After all it’s kind to give criminals what they want.

  24. Hey Mr Old timer! Don’t go down that road of comparison! Read my above posts. You have a moral responsibility to keep your mouth shut.

  25. I wish Trump would do an amnesty program. There are many job roles being filled by people who don’t have the luxury of citizenship. For Lakewood and NJ this includes construction, housecleaning, and agricultural to name a few. These are people who simply want a better life.
    THERE WILL BE A LABOR SHORTAGE CREATED BY WHAT TRUMP IS DOING. I’m not saying do not deport any criminals. I’m suggesting that Trump create a path to work permits and citizenship….

    • Baloney and Sheker. Any form of amnesty today is a request for more illegals tomorrow. This was the claim of so called moderates during the 80’s. The numbers were much less and it created more illegals hoping for the same amnesty.

  26. Good. Now how about hiring some unemployed citizens. Stop hiring cheap labor @ $10 per hour. That’s borderline slavery, which was abolished a long time ago. Looks like your gonna have to put employees on the books now. Damn. Divine law at its best.

    • You don’t get it,most unemployed Americans are going to work for the wages offered by most Lakewood businesses.No one is getting paid 10 hr anymore.At most they are getting 15$ hr If they are lucky.They are going have to start paying $18-$20 hr just to work at a grocery store or do deliveries which is big business in Lakewood at least.I know how cheap most of the businesses in Lakewood are when it comes to pay.For example I know a electrician that works for (moderated) company,and is pretty much knows everything from top to bottom about being a electrician.He only gets paid $21 hr.I don’t know any American electrician that’s going to work for less than $30 hr.As big as that company is they do so good because of the low wages.If they have to start paying evryone $25-35 hr they won’t be in business long

  27. Dude – You’re living in yesterday’s world. Now the Illegal Maids’ charge 18-20 dollars an hour.
    Do you even know how much is Minimum wage?!?
    With all the deductions that we have in Lakewood, paying taxes is a good financial option.
    It’s people like you (Libs) that have every excuse to break our Laws!

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