Busing in Lakewood and Jackson are on a delayed schedule this morning due to icy road conditions.
The decision was made following a call between LSTA and local officials.
Check with yours school for exact schedules.
Use caution when driving.
(Via TLS Status)
Why delayed?? Just drive slow and get to the school the earliest possible…
So frustrating. it stopped snowing almost 12 hours ago and they can’t get their act together to start school on time? Instead, they will mess up everyone’s schedules causing countless parents to miss work and get there late. It makes no sense at all
You have to know the priorities.
Town hall is digitized.
Is that not more important?!
Aren’t schools closed today for MLK Day?
Why not cancel school for 2 weeks cuz of the weather?
You mean inauguration day?
Schools are closed for MLK Day. You’re getting courtesy bussing,be greatfull for that. But, think of the safety factor in driving children. It’s not as easy to drive a bus as it is your car, especially with side streets,icey roads and parked cars.
How about carpools? This should be planned ahead of time.
Be grateful? I paid $1800 per kid for bussing. It’s not a favor they are doing for us.