L.E.A.D. Fest Week-Long Carnival Gets Underway in Howell

The L.E.A.D. Law Enforcement Against Drugs Fest is getting underway now in Howell.

(L.E.A.D.) is a non profit (501C3) organization, supported by dedicated police officers, committed to protecting our youth and communities from the proliferation of drugs, drug related crimes, peer to peer/cyber bullying and violence.

The event begins today, Friday, June 28, and runs through Sunday, July 7.

The event is taking place in the BJ’s Parking Lot (see map below).

More details and and ticket information can be found on the Howell LEAD Fest page here.

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  1. I know that the Scoop considers itself a voice of Ocean and Monmouth counties. But it should first and foremost be a responsible vehicle for news that is really applicable to the bnei Torah residing here. And this fair, replete with pritzus, taarovos, most likely kol isha and the message which hopefully is totally foreign to our kehilla, isn’t newsworthy or appropriate. it’s certainly doesn’t sound like a suitable venue for any of our children.

    • pfeffercook, you worried about taarovos when you take your kids to the park? Stop being silly.

      The message is a great one, not sure if you live under a rock, but drugs are an issue in the frum world, as well.

      Fair point about pritzus and kol ishah, but do you not go to Walmart because of Kol Isha?

    • I wrote the first comment asking if its a place for yiddishe kinder. I meant safety-wise and based on the environment. I went (checked it out first) half the crowd at least were Yidden and was quiet enjoyable matzav. Appropriate for young kids. So glad I went

  2. I passed by on my way to target. The place is dead. None of the rides were in service!! I’m sure if this were for Yiddin it would be swamped 😉


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