PHOTOS: Askonim and parents took part in a Kvias Mezuzah yesterday at the Lakewood Cheder’s new building at Vassar Avenue. Among the participants, were Rav Shmuel Blech, R’ Itche Rosenbaum, R’ Menashe Frankel, Committeeman Albert Akerman and others, who came to show support for the elementary boys school
The event marked the completion of the first phase of the construction at the over 200,000 square foot building in Industrial Park.
Phase two of the building is scheduled to be completed by September 2012, whereupon the 5th and 6th graders are expected to join the 7th and 8th graders currently occupying the building. TLS.
Thank you Aharon Rottenberg for a beutiful building. What a Zechus
Mazell tov lakewood cheyder thank you r posen for making the dream come true
We thank the Vaad of the Cheder and the staff for putting our Einekleh in such a beutiful building.
Thank you to all those who put so much time, effort, and hard work.
A special mention to Rabbi Aharon Rottneberg for always doing such much for the Lakewood Cheder and Bais Faiga schools. Hatzlacha!
Wow what a building,once again the Cheder/Bais Faiga leading by example.Thanks to the entire Vaad who put in countless hours of work.
I think each vaad member should get their own plaque showing them hakaros hatov for the work they put in. They are the roots of this amazingly strong School. May they only see nachas & hatzlacha in there personal lives the way they see nachas & hatzlacha from the cheder. Thank you for your help
Thanx to the driving force behind the school. The vaad!
Mazel tov! Can’t wait to see the rest of the building full of children learning!!
Thank you Shimon Zeldes Moshe Geller Dovid Rappaport Aharon Rottnberg for making vassar happen
“Job Well Done” to Boruch Framowitz and the unbeleivable team at BF Design. Just another one of your masterpeices! you continue to landscape lakewood with your unbeleivable talent in such a beautiful way.
are all these simpering testimonials “communicated”?
yanky and richie, you guys are the greatest
How many comments were posted by same person ????
great job by RAY!! and Seth Haber
great job