Kollel Cheshek Shlomo Amends Application in Strategic Shift

[COMMUNICATED] In a turn of events, the Lakewood Planning Board will consider an amended application from Kollel Cheshek Shlomo after initial resistance from a few neighbors of its project. The original proposal aimed to provide affordable housing for yungerleit and a daycare for their children at 506 New Egypt Road. While the project addressed housing affordability and traffic congestion challenges – both prime issues in Lakewood – some neighbors voiced concerns about disrupting the quiet of their area, leading the Planning Board to stall approval.

The Kollel has since amended its application to solely focus on the daycare center, which does not require variances and must be approved by the Planning Board, with plans to re-submit an application for the residential development at a later date. This move may put upset neighbors at a disadvantage, as the revised plan includes an exit leading onto White Road, a concession Cheshek Shlomo was willing to make in earlier negotiations.

The Kollel says that their ultimate goal with the amendment is to bring neighbors back to the negotiating table to reach a mutually acceptable agreement that could incorporate a comprehensive campus supporting Bnei Torah families while addressing community concerns.

The Planning Board’s decision on the amended application will be closely watched, as it may set a precedent for future development projects in Lakewood.

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