Knock Knock, It’s The Enumerator, But You Do Not Have To Open The Door

1627R-120If you did not mail back the 2010 Census form or if you did not even receive one, you still have to be counted, and U.S. Census officials called “enumerators” will probably be knocking at your door between now and mid July. How do you know the person at your door is official?  He or she will be carrying a government-issued ID card (not a photo ID) and will be carrying an official U.S. Census Bureau black shoulder bag. You do not have to open your door. You can talk through a screen door or step outside to talk to the Enumerator. An Enumerator or Census Taker will NOT ask to enter your home; will NOT ask for immigration status, social security numbers, bank account numbers, etc.; or ask for a donation or money.

Should you worry if you or your family is living in what might be called an “illegal” apartment or living space?  NO!  The Enumerator does not care—His or her focus is only to get an accurate population count. 

An accurate population count will ensure that towns receive their fair share of government money for schools, clinics, and other services as well as correct representation in the House of Representatives.
Menashe Miller, Deputy Mayor of Lakewood says, “Enumerators are NOT Township inspectors. The Enumerator is at your door because a Census form was not received, for whatever reason. Every person counts. Every person is important so please comply and answer the questions.

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  1. I sent in my census and I still got an enumerator at my door he said he wanted to confirm that my answer was still accurate.

  2. I sent in my form and the guy said he wanted to check the accuracy because he is aware that some houses have people living in the basement. And wanted to make sure I included them. I had not so we filled out a new one with them included on a seperate form

  3. I am an enumerator. Alot of people have told me they sent in their form already. Yet I am still sent out. If someone does not open their door, I leave a “Notice of Visit” with my phone number on it. The form can be completed over the phone. So, if you don’t open your door, please at least call your enumerator and complete the form. If you don’t, we will just have to keep coming back-over and over and over again. It is a waste of our time and tax dollars, so please just complete the form with us.

  4. what’s the point of sending in the form the first time if they’re gonna waste money sending around the guy to do it in person?

  5. As long as I don’t have to give my name or social security #,
    I’ll answer the census, otherwise I won’t. I don’t trust the government.

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