[COMMUNICTED] A window into the Rosenberg home in Ramat Beit Shemesh just a few years ago would have provided a normal sight: Children laughing as they come home from gan, their father and mother asking them about their day, smiles as they enjoy each others company in the blessing that is family.
But now a disturbing quiet has fallen over the household.
“Kinderlach, come in quietly, Abba is resting.”
Three small children scurry through the house quietly, as their father has just returned from yet another round of chemotherapy. Since the discovery of a tumor in his leg, and his diagnosis, Moshe Rosenberg has suffered through surgery, chemotherapy, and immobility.
After the first surgery, the doctors had thought that the cancer was gone. However time has passed, and another surgery is necessary to save Moshe’s life. The procedure is highly specialized, as the nature of the muscle tissue changes after chemotherapy. The surgery recommended by renowned medical askan Rav Firer, however, is in Italy and costs a devastating $50,000. Imagine the horror and the despair: Knowing the solution to save your own life, to save your family, and being too poor to afford it.
Frustration overtakes him, as a man who has always provided financially. Now he is helpless: to feed his children, to provide for his wife, and now to eliminate the cancer that is devastating him.
Their fate is in our hands now: If we join together to help this special family during their time of need, three children can have their Abba back. If we do not, they very well may lose their chance.
Time is growing short. Donations are being accepted here for a limited time.