Kimball Medical Center Now Offers Auditory Brainstem Response Hearing Test

kimball_medical_center_The Audiology Department at Kimball Medical Center recently upgraded all audiology equipment and has added a new test to its current roster of state-of-the-art services, Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) testing. ABR is a test of the hearing system, which assesses the functions of the ears, cranial nerve, and the lower part of the auditory system. The test can be completed with minimal cooperation from the patient.  “This type of testing is extremely useful for babies and others who can not participate in traditional testing,” says Sue Ellen Boyer, AuD, a clinical audiologist at Kimball Medical Center. 
The ABR test is a painless, non-invasive test involving the attachment of skin electrodes to your ears and forehead.  Small foam-tipped earphones are used to deliver a clicking sound.  The test requires no direct reply or response from the patient.  “During the test, an audiologist will be recording and watching the electrical responses generated by your auditory nerve and brainstem,” explained Boyer.  “These responses appear as lines on the computer screen.  Based on the shape and timing, we can determine the condition of the auditory nerve and other nervous system components that are responsible for hearing,” she said.

ABR testing is commonly used to identify hearing loss in infants and young children, as well as for diagnostic purposes for adults with medical concerns with hearing and balance related disorders.  For adults, clinical symptoms may include but are not limited to the following; unexplained hearing loss in one ear only, hearing loss that is not symmetrical, unexplained ringing in one ear only, unusually poor ability to recognize words clearly, and distorted sound perception when hearing is essentially normal. 
Approximately 31 million Americans have some type of hearing problem, but the problem often goes unrecognized by the person suffering from it.  “Children and teenagers seldom complain about the symptoms of hearing loss, and adults may lose their hearing so gradually they do not realize it is happening,” says Boyer. She notes that the first step in the determination or treatment of a hearing problem is a hearing evaluation by an audiologist.

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  1. This is a very delicate and precise test, if you feel your baby or child needs it , make sure to talk to your Pediatrician and go to the best place possible as Insurance might not give youe a second chance at this test ……..

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