By R’ Moshe Flohr. Thursday night looks to be rainy all night.
Friday night looks to be mostly CLOUDY, but it might be clear between 6 PM and 7 PM. Also it will be mostly clear from around 11 PM until about 2 AM. (NOTE: Since Friday night is the next-to-last night many hold that you can say it (especially since it might be cloudy on מוצאי ש”ק), even though normally you would not. Ask your Rov if you could/should.)
If you say on Friday night, some hold that you only say the ברכה itself and none of the other פסוקים and תפילות. (כ”כ בערוך השלחן וכן הורה הגר”ד פיינשטיין שליט”א ע”פ הערוה”ש הנ”ל). Please ask your Rov. (Some hold just to skip כשם שאני רוקד וכו’ and תפול עליהם וגו’ and the rest you can say.)
מוצאי ש”ק פ’ בשלח is the LAST night to say קידוש לבנה this month. As of now it looks to be cloudy BUT it might be visible between 6 PM and 7 PM. If you drive north to Edison or Woodbridge it will be visible from around 6 PM until 10 PM. In Monsey it will be visible from around 7 pm until 1 am.
NOTE: On מוצאי ש”ק if it is visible, according to the רמ”א it should be said by 7:47 PM. According to the מחבר you can say it until 1:25 AM. (ובסי’ תכ”ו בביאור הלכה כתב שבשעת הדחק שלא היה יכול לקדש קודם, אפשר לסמוך על המחבר ולומר בברכה עד ט”ו ימים מהמולד)
Based on new information this morning, it looks that tonight it will be mostly clear from 7 pm and on.
In Manhattan – As of about 8pm the moon was visable in a clear North East (not toward south east where you usually look) sky at about 25 degrees above the horizon rising about 20 degrees per hour. From the median on Bwdy and w79 it was seen just above the DSW store.