KIDDUSH HASHEM: Thousands of Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts Returned After Mistakenly Being Delivered Twice

A Lakewood resident relayed to TLS the following heartwarming story that demonstrates the morality and forthrightness of many Lakewood residents. 

The reader said that he ordered eight shirts from Charles Tyrwhitt, a UK-based fashion designer whose shirts are highly popular among Orthodox Jews who typically wear white dress shirts. The reader said he received a package containing the shirts he ordered, and then several days later received another package, again filled with the same order he had already received.

Realizing that something wasn’t right, he called up Charles Tyrwhitt’s customer service line to resolve the apparent mistake. The customer service representative told him that a glitch in the system was to blame. The system was telling workers that thousands of orders were waiting to be filled, despite them having actually already been delivered. This caused the company to send out double shipments of the same orders twice.

The reader then told the representative that as an Orthodox Jew, he must abide by a certain code of ethics and he cannot keep the order.

The obviously-impressed representative told him that she has in fact been noticing that a large number of orders sent to Lakewood and areas in Brooklyn were being sent back to the company, as hundreds of Orthodox Jews refused to accept orders that were mistakenly shipped to them.

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  1. I too received the order twice, but they also charged my credit card twice as if it was 2 orders.
    If you are returning the order, check your credit card and make sure to get refunded as well.

  2. One Lakewood resident reportedly called Charles Tyrwhitt and told the customer service rep, “I’m at my whitt’s end as to how to resolve this problem!” When the rep asked him if he can send back the shirts to the company, the Lakewood resident reportedly replied, “Why not? It’s no shirt off my back!”

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