The Kevurah for a young boy tragically killed in New York today will take place in Lakewood.
The 4-year-old boy was struck by a vehicle outside his school in Bensonhurst shortly after being dropped off. Another boy was also struck and injured, and was transported to Maimonides Hospital.
A Levaya will be held in Staten Island, followed by the Kevurah in Lakewood sometime this evening.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Can you imagine the pain???
This morning they drop their cute 4 year old child at school, and a few hours later they are burying him…
Hashem should give the parents and family strength to pull through, and they should have a nechamah…
This is just too sad!
I agree 100% how can we imagine the pain of loosing a child I honestly dodnt know how people survive this.
I couldn’t get to myself the entire day, after hearing about this horrific tragedy. How can such parents move on?! This little innocent boy was sent to Yeshiva and has now left this world. There are no words, there are no words……….
This was so painful before I found out I knew and used to play with him. He was so cute and extraordinarily pure. This is unfortunately not the first tzarah that befell this yungerman. Yehi zichro Baruch and may hashem console him and his family.
Very sad story. B.D.E.