Take note, some food boxes may contain Planters peanuts which may not be Kosher.
The following is a statement from Kashrut.com:
“PLANTERS NUT PRODUCTS are acceptable only when bearing an OU symbol. Products bearing a K (which include most Planters Dry Roasted items and some Honey Roasted items) may contain gelatin, or may be produced on the same equipment as gelatin-containing products.
Note that Planters Honey Roasted Cashews in the 3 oz. bag and 8.25 oz. can bear an OU, but the 1.5 oz. and 2 oz. size bags bear a K because they are not produced on an OU approved production line. Every package should be carefully checked for the OU symbol.”
These items are not certified kosher by any reputable Kashrus agency as gelatin is used as part of the coating process. This is why there is no OU on it. This has been the case for almost 20 years, or even longer.
Thank you for posting
Peanut r not a food that shud b distributed.if not safe at schools bc of severe allergies, should not b in boxes
Some Sephardic poskim hold that there’s what to rely on to eat any type of Gelatin since in the processing of gelatin, the gelatin it is degraded into non-edible substances,
This shouldn’t be the forum for Piske Halacha, that’s what your Rav or Posek is for
The old heter you are trying to reference from 100 years ago does not apply to nowadays gelatin. Back then it is referring to gelatin made from bones that was left to dry for 12 months… plus bones is not considered bosur… nowadays gelatin is primarily made from hides (and they are fresh) totally not same thing.
That’s a new one. These Poskim that you are referring to, in which country do they live in?
When the Planters Peanuts company inquired about getting a hechsher for some of their products, they were concerned about the cost of getting a hechsher.
“How much will this hechsher cost us?” the Vice President of nosh operations asked his financial adviser.
“Peanuts!”, the financial adviser replied.