The Vaad has moments ago joined the Igud Hamosdos in support of their request of the community to vote down the $6,200,000 school district referendum, Reb Yisroel Schenkolewski tells TLS on behalf of the Vaad.
“WHat people need to understand is that the $6,200,000 this will only help busing for about four months, but it won’t help for next year. The raise on the taxes, however, will remain permanent,” Reb Yisroel says.
Polls are open tomorrow, Tuesday, between 2 PM – 9PM.
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Call everyone and let them know that the vote is today!!! (Tursday)
Where do I vote?
I think this is part of their plan.
Make a vote which EVERYONE votes down (inc “the orthodox”) and then they say “well the non-public school people said they don’t want bussing, ’cause they voted down the proposal to fund it” and we will NEVER get it again.
In 2016, there should be full ability to vote online. The current method for voting is archaic. Don’t blame security concern, there’s plenty of fraud with the current system and lack of verification. There will be a much much higher turnout in elections.
The IRS has no issue letting you file online, so should Elections.
Stop fooling around! Vote the “politicians” out and go register in the public schools. Then you’ll see how they take care of the busing and other problems.
In NJ anyone is allowed to receive mail in ballots. I signed up years ago and I get ballots mailed to my house 1 month before each election.
I mail it in and never need to go to a polling place.
Fill out this form and you can too!
Folks, please go vote. I went to vote and i was the only one there. Seriously. We need to come in droves.