JUST IN: Phil Murphy Announces he’s Running for Governor of New Jersey (VIDEO)

phil murphy nj tlsVIDEO: “I’m taking the unusual step of announcing my candidacy for Governor a year ahead of the election because New Jersey’s challenges can’t wait,” Phil Murphy, the former Ambassador to Germany announced moments ago.

He released the following:

And this campaign is not going to be politics as usual. It starts with New Jerseyans — not me.

As parents of four great kids, Tammy and I understand what really matters is the kind of New Jersey we have today — and tomorrow.

Frankly, we are concerned about the state of our state.

So concerned, in fact, that last year we started an effort to get New Jersey moving again. Tens of thousands of you responded by participating in town halls, signing petitions, sharing ideas on how to get our economy moving again, speaking out on gun safety, lead remediation, and an economy that works for all of us.

We want to keep building on the energy, the ideas, and the optimism we’ve tapped into.

It’s time to make New Jersey better for all of us.

That means growing the middle class by building a newer, smarter economy with good jobs that support a family; equal pay for equal work; a higher minimum wage; putting a college education back within the reach of anyone willing to work hard; protecting women’s health care; and making every community safe from gun violence and lead poisoning.

And here’s what this campaign is not about – serving the political insiders, because I don’t owe them anything.

I’ve spent my life trying to fix problems and making people’s lives better.

Growing up, our family lived paycheck to paycheck. I put myself through college and grad school. Then I built a successful career learning how economies grow and create jobs.

I worked hard, got lucky and was able to turn my full-time attention to giving back. I’ve helped lead charities for troubled teens and domestic abuse survivors.

I worked with Howard Dean to build a stronger national Democratic Party from the grassroots.

President Obama appointed me as our nation’s ambassador to Germany where I served our country on issues from fighting terrorism to advocating for American businesses.

But this is your campaign.

It’s time for a Governor who will have your back.

I will.

Thank you,

Phil Murphy.


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  1. Hey Moshe,

    Now that I know he is running for governor and what he is (another of our wonderful president’s political appointees), I still want to know who he is since I never heard of him before 3/2/16.

  2. This is the beginning of the frightening list of individuals who will run for Governor.
    Hang on to your wallets. it is going to bet worse.

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