A pedestrian was struck and killed in Lakewood this evening, officials confirm to TLS. The accident occurred approximately 8:40 PM at the intersection of Route 70 and Vermont Avenue.
The pedestrian was transported by Lakewood EMS to MMCSC, and was pronounced dead moments later.
Lakewood’s Traffic Safety Department and CSI are investigating the incident.
The area is shut for the investigation.
I saw 2 bochurim walking on the shoulder on rt70 btwn vermont and rt9 one evening last week and I could barely see them. They were wearing dark clothes. It wasn’t even safe for me to stop and tell them something.
It was on the same side of the street after the wawa that they were walking.
Was misaskim needed
Something needs to be done ASAP
Very dangerous intersection it’s like crossing a highway.
Oy vey, the only solution is lowering the speed limit.
Don’t lower the speed limit. Look and take your time before you cross the highway.
Reflectors reflectors reflectors reflectors and sidewalks is the only answer. Even a car doing the speed limit unfortunately if you’re not wearing a reflector or you’re not careful where you walk your chances of being hit are almost 100%
Yet another pedestrian killed in Lakewood.
Crackdown! Because there are no fatal anywhere else in the world! On a serious note, Statistically the amount of people that live in this 7 square miles vs. fatal accidents is the same if not less than anywhere else. So let’s get busy cracking down on “real” criminals like those intentionally out to hurt people without regard for other people’s lives. 1 death is more than acceptable, I’m just saying that compared to the rest of nj or USA the numbers are in line with the rest of them. Of course if you look closely at the map you’ll see a red circle with a dot in middle over where lakewood is so what do you expect? A gunner will always aim and shoot at the target. We are the scapegoats so I guess it’s our fault no matter what.
It’s all about overbuilding without upgrading the infrastructure at the same time. This isn’t only about the frum complexes but the town in general. more sidewalks and lights need to be built
This is so sad. Can’t believe another pedestrian hit. Lakewood needs 4.5 ft tall medians so you can only cross at cross walks. Also need light up crosswalks and more lights along the roads. Walkers should also wear reflectors. It’s all about safety.
I saw the whole thing with my son who is 14. It was 3 men. They walked into on coming traffic. I first man walked across didn’t look. The second man almost got hit . The third man lunged into the car that hit him. He flew into the air and slammed down onto the road. It was horrific!! They didn’t even look!! The light was green. They didn’t care. He had plenty of time to wait. He didn’t. It was horrible. I’m never going to forget what I saw.
i saw them crossing on locust
they did look interesting, to me they appeared a little drunk or something else