The National Weather Service moments ago has issed a Winter Storm Watch for the area ahead of this weekend’s storm expected to dump havy snow on New Jersey.
The Winter Storm Watch is in effect from Friday evening into Sunday morning.
Snow is expected to begin after the Friday evening commute, and continue heavily at times into Sunday morning.
12-16 inches of snow accumulations is possible, the Service says.
Snow may start off dry and fluffy, but will become wetter and heavier as the even unfolds.
Snow clinging to trees and wires may cause power outages too.
Winds are expected to be strong at about 55 MPH.
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people should be ready for power outages on shabbos
how can you prepare for power outages on Shabbos? Cant light a flashlight or flame…. any ideas?
24-48 hr yortzeit candles lit right before shabbos in strategic places in your home, in far reach from children of course
If you have a gas stove top, put your cholent on a blech.
If it is so bad that your family’s life is in danger you can prepare. Let us pray it does not come to that.